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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso
Hoy en día en la industria la aplicación de técnicas de control avanzado es muy importante paraprocesos en los que se desea algún grado de optimización de los recursos, lo que incluye la reducción decostos como objetivos adicionales de control, es por esto que tener cierto grado de familiaridad con estastécnicas de control se hace muy importante como ingeniero en la actualidadEl presente documento muestra el proceso de aplicación de un software capaz de desarrollar un controlde este tipo, específicamente control predictivo basado en modelos, sobre un sistema intercambiador de calorcontrolado por PID locales. La idea es configurar un control predictivo supervisor que utilice una técnicade control avanzado que sea capaz de dar las referencias a los lazos de control PID y asi poder mantenercontroladas las señales más importantes del sistema.Con este objetivo se cuenta con una planta demostrativa “Intercambiador de calor” con sensores detemperatura y flujo, una bomba centrífuga y un ventilador, ambos de velocidad variable, que son controladosmediante un PLC y dos variadores de frecuencia integrados mediante una red PROFINET, un computadorpersonal capaz de conectarse a dicha red y programar el PLC mediante el software TIA Portal, al que ademásse le ha instalado el software LabVIEW para simulación y construcción de un HMI. Además se cuenta deun computador DCS con el software Profit Suite capaz de implementar una estrategia de control predictivobasado en modelos.
Nowadays in the industry the application of advanced control techniques is very important forprocesses in which some degree of optimization of resources is desired, which includes the reduction ofcosts as additional control objectives, which is why having certain degree of familiarity with these controltechniques becomes very important as an engineer todayThis document shows the process of applying software capable of developing such a control, specificallymodel-based predictive control, over a local PID-controlled heat exchanger system. The idea is toconfigure a predictive supervisory control that uses an advanced control technique that is capable of givingreferences to PID control loops and thus be able to keep the most important system signals controlled.With this objective there is a demonstration plant “ Heat exchanger ” with temperature and flowsensors, a centrifugal pump and a fan, both of variable speed, which are controlled by a PLC and twofrequency inverters integrated through a PROFINET network, a personal computer capable of connecting tosaid network and programming the PLC through the TIA Portal software, which also has LabVIEW softwareinstalled for simulation and construction of an HMI. In addition, there is a DCS computer with Profit Suitesoftware capable of implementing a model-based predictive control strategy.
Nowadays in the industry the application of advanced control techniques is very important forprocesses in which some degree of optimization of resources is desired, which includes the reduction ofcosts as additional control objectives, which is why having certain degree of familiarity with these controltechniques becomes very important as an engineer todayThis document shows the process of applying software capable of developing such a control, specificallymodel-based predictive control, over a local PID-controlled heat exchanger system. The idea is toconfigure a predictive supervisory control that uses an advanced control technique that is capable of givingreferences to PID control loops and thus be able to keep the most important system signals controlled.With this objective there is a demonstration plant “ Heat exchanger ” with temperature and flowsensors, a centrifugal pump and a fan, both of variable speed, which are controlled by a PLC and twofrequency inverters integrated through a PROFINET network, a personal computer capable of connecting tosaid network and programming the PLC through the TIA Portal software, which also has LabVIEW softwareinstalled for simulation and construction of an HMI. In addition, there is a DCS computer with Profit Suitesoftware capable of implementing a model-based predictive control strategy.
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