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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso
En este trabajo se presenta un análisis técnico económico de la factibilidad deincremento de eficiencia en una Turbina Francis (Unidad Nº3) de la Centralhidroeléctrica Sauzal.El análisis se inicia con la recopilación de antecedentes requeridos por ingenierosmodeladores de diseño hidráulico para que posteriormente se presente una propuestade repotenciación.Luego de entregar los antecedentes técnicos de la turbina a los diferentes fabricantesespecialistas presentes en la licitación del proyecto, la empresa multinacional AndritzHydro se adjudica el contrato de diseño de rodete el cual en su propuesta entrega unaserie de intervenciones y mejoras a la turbina actual lo que garantiza un incrementoen la eficiencia óptima desde 92,3% hasta 94,8% bajo condiciones similares en la queopera la turbina en la actualidad.De acuerdo a ésta propuesta de repotenciación, se calcula un incremento de 2,5% deeficiencia que se traducen a 4,82 GWh de generación extra anual.Con estos valores se confecciona un flujo de caja proyectado a 10 años con una tasade descuento del 12% el cual entrega un VAN de USD 539.434, TIR de 19% yPAYBACK de 5 años.Estos resultados muestran la factibilidad del proyecto de repotenciación de la UnidadNº3 de la Central Hidroeléctrica Sauzal dado que el VAN es positivo, la TIR esmayor a la tasa de descuento empleada en el análisis y finalmente el PAYBACK esinferior al horizonte en que se evalúa el proyecto.
This paper presents an economic technical analysis of the factibility of increasingefficiency in a Francis Turbine (Unit Nº3) of the Sauzal hydroelectric power station.This analysis begins with the collection of background required by engineersmodeling hydraulic design so that a proposal of repowering is presented later.After delivering the technical background of the turbine to the different specialistmanufacturers present in the tender of the project, the multinational company AndritzHydro is awarded the contract of design of impeller which in its proposal delivers aseries of interventions and improvements to the current turbine Which guarantees anincrease in the optimum efficiency from 92.3% to 94.8% in similar conditions to thecurrent operation.According to this repowering proposal, an increase of 2.5% in efficiency is calculatedwhich translates to 4.82 GWh of extra annual generation.With these values, a ten year projected cash flow is made with a discount rate of 12%which show a NPV of USD 539,434, IRR of 19% and PAYBACK of 5 years.These results show the feasibility of the repowering project of Unit No. 3 of theSauzal Hydroelectric Power Plant since the NPV is positive, the IRR is higher thanthe discount rate used in the analysis and finally the PAYBACK is lower than thehorizon in which it is evaluated the project.
This paper presents an economic technical analysis of the factibility of increasingefficiency in a Francis Turbine (Unit Nº3) of the Sauzal hydroelectric power station.This analysis begins with the collection of background required by engineersmodeling hydraulic design so that a proposal of repowering is presented later.After delivering the technical background of the turbine to the different specialistmanufacturers present in the tender of the project, the multinational company AndritzHydro is awarded the contract of design of impeller which in its proposal delivers aseries of interventions and improvements to the current turbine Which guarantees anincrease in the optimum efficiency from 92.3% to 94.8% in similar conditions to thecurrent operation.According to this repowering proposal, an increase of 2.5% in efficiency is calculatedwhich translates to 4.82 GWh of extra annual generation.With these values, a ten year projected cash flow is made with a discount rate of 12%which show a NPV of USD 539,434, IRR of 19% and PAYBACK of 5 years.These results show the feasibility of the repowering project of Unit No. 3 of theSauzal Hydroelectric Power Plant since the NPV is positive, the IRR is higher thanthe discount rate used in the analysis and finally the PAYBACK is lower than thehorizon in which it is evaluated the project.
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