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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso
La detección de partículas es un trabajo muy importante en campos como la física dealtas energías, la medicina y la astronomía. El proceso de detección consiste en identificarlas partículas producidas en distintos fenómenos físicos, como por ejemplo, las partículasproducidas en los grandes colisionadores. El proceso de detección, sin embargo, es complicadoy depende de muchos factores. Un caso especialmente difícil es la detección de partículasmuy cercanas provenientes, por ejemplo, del decaimiento de piones neutros. Para solucionareste problema el centro Científico y Tecnológico de Valparaíso ha propuesto un detectordel tipo calorímetro preshower, diseñado especialmente para tener una alta resolución en laidentificación de partículas cercanas. La solución de este problema tiene varias aplicacionesprácticas: En los colisionadores electron-ion puede ayudar al estudio de los gluones, elmaterial que une toda la materia del universo; En la medicina nuclear puede ayudar amejorar las imágenes producidas en las tomografías por emisión de positrones, vitales en eltratamiento del cancer.Para procesar los datos producidos por el detector se utiliza un algoritmo de reconstrucción.Este algoritmo es el encargado de convertir los datos brutos en información útil de lapartícula detectada, como su posición de incidencia, su energía o su ángulo.La contribución principal de este trabajo es el diseño e implementación de un algoritmode reconstrucción completo para el detector preshower. Para esto, las diferentes opcionesde la literatura son estudiadas y nuevas soluciones son propuestas para el trabajo dereconstrucción. Además, se construye una simulación computacional del detector y seestudia, mediante simulaciones, el desempeño del algoritmo de reconstrucción. Los resultadosobtenidos muestran la capacidad del detector preshower para identificar partículas cercanas,superando otras propuestas de la literatura. Además, basándose en este análisis, se proponenposibles mejoras al detector, las cuales pueden ser implementadas en próximas iteracionesdel diseño del detector.
Particles detection is an important task in fields such as high energy physics, medicine andastronomy. The detection process consists on identifying the particles produced in differentphysical phenomena, for instance, the particles produced in big colliders. The detectionprocess, however, is complex and depends on the detector physics and the particles type.Specially hard is the case in which two particles arrive very close to each other, for example,from a neutral pion decay. In order to solve this problem researchers from the Scienceand Technology Center of Valparaíso have proposed a preshower calorimeter detector. Thisdetector is specially designed to have high resolution to identify particles close to each other.The solution to this problem has many practical applications: In electron-ion colliders it canhelp in the study of gluons, the material binding all matter; In nuclear medicine it can helpto improve the images produced in positron emission tomography, very important in cancertreatment.In order to process the data produced by the detector, a reconstruction algorithm isused. The reconstruction algorithm converts the raw data obtained by the detector in usefulinformation about the particle, such as incident position, energy or angle.The main contribution of this work is the design and implementation of a fullreconstruction algorithm for the preshower detector. For this, different options in theliterature are studied and new solutions are proposed for the reconstruction in the preshower.Moreover, we build a computer simulation of the detector and using these simulations westudy the performance of the reconstruction algorithm. The obtained results show the abilityof the preshower detector to identify close particles, outperforming the results from otherproposals found in the literature. Also, based on this analysis we propose some improvementsto the preshower design. Those improvements can be implemented in new iterations of thedetector design.Keywords: Reconstruction algorithm, High energy physics.
Particles detection is an important task in fields such as high energy physics, medicine andastronomy. The detection process consists on identifying the particles produced in differentphysical phenomena, for instance, the particles produced in big colliders. The detectionprocess, however, is complex and depends on the detector physics and the particles type.Specially hard is the case in which two particles arrive very close to each other, for example,from a neutral pion decay. In order to solve this problem researchers from the Scienceand Technology Center of Valparaíso have proposed a preshower calorimeter detector. Thisdetector is specially designed to have high resolution to identify particles close to each other.The solution to this problem has many practical applications: In electron-ion colliders it canhelp in the study of gluons, the material binding all matter; In nuclear medicine it can helpto improve the images produced in positron emission tomography, very important in cancertreatment.In order to process the data produced by the detector, a reconstruction algorithm isused. The reconstruction algorithm converts the raw data obtained by the detector in usefulinformation about the particle, such as incident position, energy or angle.The main contribution of this work is the design and implementation of a fullreconstruction algorithm for the preshower detector. For this, different options in theliterature are studied and new solutions are proposed for the reconstruction in the preshower.Moreover, we build a computer simulation of the detector and using these simulations westudy the performance of the reconstruction algorithm. The obtained results show the abilityof the preshower detector to identify close particles, outperforming the results from otherproposals found in the literature. Also, based on this analysis we propose some improvementsto the preshower design. Those improvements can be implemented in new iterations of thedetector design.Keywords: Reconstruction algorithm, High energy physics.
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