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Se pueden observar distintos fenómenos al exponer un fluido conductor en presenciade campos eléctricos y magnéticos, los que están relacionados principalmente con latransferencia de energía eléctrica a mecánica o en forma inversa de energía mecánica aeléctrica. El estudio de esta interacción se denomina Magnetohidrodinámica (MHD) y apesar de que el inicio de su estudio se remonta a mediados del siglo XIX, su desarrollose ha visto estancado por varios motivos siendo principalmente la disminución de recursoseconómicos por las guerras y la capacidad tecnológica de la época.El agua de mar ha sido uno de los muchos fluidos en ser empleados para llevar a caboestudios y pruebas de MHD y esto se debe a que presenta una concentración media de3,5% de sales minerales (NaCl) disueltas en ella lo que facilita el movimiento de las cargaseléctricas. Ha sido recurrente que las investigaciones marítimas se centren en aprovechareste fenómeno para encontrar nuevos sistemas de propulsión que puedan impulsar distintosvehículos como barcos, submarinos o torpedos. En este sentido, la embarcación MHDYamato 1 fabricado por el grupo japonés SOF en 1991, empleaba el uso de dos propulsoresmagnetohidrodinámicos que le permitían desplazarse a una velocidad máxima de 8 nudos.Este trabajo recopila el estudio de un sistema magnetohidrodinámico donde seestablecen los fundamentos desde el punto de vista teórico de la mecánica de fluidos yel electromagnetismo. Se diseña un propulsor MHD y se simula el sistema eléctrico de este,con el n de corroborar su desempeño y posteriormente se implementa su construccióndonde se pone a prueba. Finalmente se muestran los resultados obtenidos y se entregan lasconclusiones acerca del trabajo realizado.
Different phenomena can be observed on having exposed a conductive uid inpresence of magnetic and electric elds, which are mainly related with the transferof electric energy to mechanic or in reverse form of mechanical to electrical energy. Thestudy of this interaction is called Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), and in despite of thefact that its nding took place in the middle of the 19th century, its development has beenstalled for several reasons, such as the decrease of economic resources due to the wars andthe technological development of the time.Seawater has been one of the many uids to be used for MHD studies and tests, dueto the fact that it has an average concentration of 3.5% of dissolved minerals salts (NaCl)in it, which facilitates the movement of electric charges. it has been recurrent that marineresearch focuses on taking advantage of this phenomenon to nd new propulsion systemsthat can drive dierent vehicles like ships, submarines or torpedoes. In this sense, theMHD vessel Yamato 1 manufactures by the Japanese group SOF in 1991, this had twomagnetohydrodynamics thrusters that allowed it to travel at a maximum speed of 8 knots.This work compiles the study about the magnetohydrodynamics system, which setsthe theoretical basis from the uid mechanics and electromagnetism disciplines. This way,the construction of a MHD propeller, in which different experiments are tested in order tocorroborate the phenomenon, without making the respective simulations previously. Finally,the results and conclusions obtained about the work are entirely available.
Different phenomena can be observed on having exposed a conductive uid inpresence of magnetic and electric elds, which are mainly related with the transferof electric energy to mechanic or in reverse form of mechanical to electrical energy. Thestudy of this interaction is called Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), and in despite of thefact that its nding took place in the middle of the 19th century, its development has beenstalled for several reasons, such as the decrease of economic resources due to the wars andthe technological development of the time.Seawater has been one of the many uids to be used for MHD studies and tests, dueto the fact that it has an average concentration of 3.5% of dissolved minerals salts (NaCl)in it, which facilitates the movement of electric charges. it has been recurrent that marineresearch focuses on taking advantage of this phenomenon to nd new propulsion systemsthat can drive dierent vehicles like ships, submarines or torpedoes. In this sense, theMHD vessel Yamato 1 manufactures by the Japanese group SOF in 1991, this had twomagnetohydrodynamics thrusters that allowed it to travel at a maximum speed of 8 knots.This work compiles the study about the magnetohydrodynamics system, which setsthe theoretical basis from the uid mechanics and electromagnetism disciplines. This way,the construction of a MHD propeller, in which different experiments are tested in order tocorroborate the phenomenon, without making the respective simulations previously. Finally,the results and conclusions obtained about the work are entirely available.
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