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El ingreso de altos bloques de ERNC intermitente al sistema eléctriconacional provoca grandes desafíos relacionados a lograr una óptimaintegración entre las nuevas tecnologías y el parque térmico convencionalexistente. El alto grado de competencia en el sector implica grandesesfuerzos por parte de los generadores existentes en el mercado. En lapresente tesina se aborda el impacto al cual se ve enfrentado nuestrosistema y en especial las centrales térmicas vapor-carbón convencionalesdebido al cambio operacional sistémico provocado por el ingreso de energíaintermitente de origen renovable. Las unidades convencionales diseñadasen su origen para operar en carga base se ven enfrentadas a la necesidadde operar ciclando, esto es, variando la carga entregada al sistema deacuerdo a los requerimientos del coordinador, permitiendo con esto elingreso de ERNC intermitente a la red eléctrica en forma confiable y segura.Este nuevo método de operación trae consigo un aumento de costos anivel sistémico y a las propias centrales que lo integran. A nivelinternacional se han realizado diversos estudios tendientes a cuantificarestos costos y a identificar los equipos y sistemas más afectados por laoperación cíclica de manera de detectar posibles mejoras para disminuir elimpacto técnico y económico. En el presente trabajo se entregan losresultados obtenidos por una consultora internacional donde se analizó elimpacto de la operación cíclica de una central convencional y seidentificaron costos asociados y medidas tendientes a minimizarlos.Para obtener una generación confiable y segura, el sistema requiere de unparque térmico robusto y flexible. En esta tesina, con el objeto de aportar ala flexibilidad del parque, se recomienda realizar una modificación en losflujos de vapor desde los generadores de vapor a las respectivas turbinas.Para lo anterior se requiere que al ser solicitadas por el coordinador a lomenos dos unidades pertenecientes a un complejo térmico a mínimo técnico la disminución de carga se realice sólo modificando el nivel depotencia de uno o dos generadores de vapor, objeto las unidadesgeneradoras de vapor que permanezcan en servicio se mantenganoperando sobre el 80% de su potencia nominal. Para llevar a cabo esto esnecesario modificar piping de vapor, circuitos de condensado, agua dealimentación y lógica de control (protecciones, lógica operativa, etc.).Las conclusiones del presente trabajo apuntan a que para disminuir elimpacto de la operación cíclica es necesario llevar a cabo lasrecomendaciones hechas por distintos actores del sector energético a nivelnacional e internacional analizando posibles oportunidades de mejora.Además, mediante una evaluación económica se determina que esaltamente recomendable realizar modificaciones en el flujo de vapor a lasturbinas para mejorar la flexibilidad de la central, minimizar costos O&M ymejorar el nivel de competencia.
The entrance of high blocks of intermittent NCRE to the national electricalsystem causes great challenges related to achieving an optimal integrationbetween the new technologies and the conventional thermal park existing inour system. The high degree of competition in the sector implies greatefforts on the part of the existing generators in the market. This thesisaddresses the impact that our system is facing, and especially theconventional steam-coal thermal power plants due to the systemicoperational change caused by the intermittent energy input of renewableorigin. The conventional units originally designed to operate at base load arefaced with the need to operate cycling, varying the load delivered to thesystem according to the requirements of the coordinator, thereby allowingthe intermittent ERNC input to the network reliably and safely.This new method of operation brings with it an increase in costs at thesystemic level and at the plants that make it up. At the international level,several studies have been carried out to quantify these costs and to identifythe equipment and systems most affected by the cyclical operation in orderto detect possible improvements to reduce the technical and economicimpact. In the present work the results obtained by an internationalconsulting company related to the study of the impact in a conventionalsteam-coal thermal power station of our system are presented in front of thecyclical operation. The study identified associated costs and measures tominimize them.To obtain a reliable and safe generation, the system requires a robust andflexible thermal park. In this thesis, in order to contribute to the flexibility ofthe park, it is recommended to make a modification in the steam flows fromthe steam generators to the respective turbines. For the above it is requiredthat when being requested by the coordinator at least two units belonging toa thermal complex to a technical minimum the reduction of load isperformed only by modifying the power level of one or two steam generators, object the generating units of Remain in operation at 80% oftheir nominal power. To carry out this it is necessary to modify steam piping,condensate circuits, feed water and control logic (protections, operationallogic, etc.).The conclusions of the present study suggest that in order to reduce theimpact of the cyclical operation on conventional steam-coal plants, it isnecessary to carry out the recommendations made by different energysector players at national and international level, analyzing possibleopportunities for improvement to reduce technical and commercial impacts.In addition, an economic evaluation determines that it is highly advisable tomake modifications in the steam flow to the turbines to improve the flexibilityof the plant, minimize O&M costs and level of competition.
The entrance of high blocks of intermittent NCRE to the national electricalsystem causes great challenges related to achieving an optimal integrationbetween the new technologies and the conventional thermal park existing inour system. The high degree of competition in the sector implies greatefforts on the part of the existing generators in the market. This thesisaddresses the impact that our system is facing, and especially theconventional steam-coal thermal power plants due to the systemicoperational change caused by the intermittent energy input of renewableorigin. The conventional units originally designed to operate at base load arefaced with the need to operate cycling, varying the load delivered to thesystem according to the requirements of the coordinator, thereby allowingthe intermittent ERNC input to the network reliably and safely.This new method of operation brings with it an increase in costs at thesystemic level and at the plants that make it up. At the international level,several studies have been carried out to quantify these costs and to identifythe equipment and systems most affected by the cyclical operation in orderto detect possible improvements to reduce the technical and economicimpact. In the present work the results obtained by an internationalconsulting company related to the study of the impact in a conventionalsteam-coal thermal power station of our system are presented in front of thecyclical operation. The study identified associated costs and measures tominimize them.To obtain a reliable and safe generation, the system requires a robust andflexible thermal park. In this thesis, in order to contribute to the flexibility ofthe park, it is recommended to make a modification in the steam flows fromthe steam generators to the respective turbines. For the above it is requiredthat when being requested by the coordinator at least two units belonging toa thermal complex to a technical minimum the reduction of load isperformed only by modifying the power level of one or two steam generators, object the generating units of Remain in operation at 80% oftheir nominal power. To carry out this it is necessary to modify steam piping,condensate circuits, feed water and control logic (protections, operationallogic, etc.).The conclusions of the present study suggest that in order to reduce theimpact of the cyclical operation on conventional steam-coal plants, it isnecessary to carry out the recommendations made by different energysector players at national and international level, analyzing possibleopportunities for improvement to reduce technical and commercial impacts.In addition, an economic evaluation determines that it is highly advisable tomake modifications in the steam flow to the turbines to improve the flexibilityof the plant, minimize O&M costs and level of competition.
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