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En la actualidad existe una creciente demanda de energía en el mundo y ésta se suple principalmente mediante el uso de combustibles fósiles, que emiten gases de efecto invernadero. El impacto de éstos últimos en el cambio climático, ha llevado a una amplia aceptación de la sociedad, a que se debe transitar a fuentes de energías renovables y libres de emisiones. En este escenario, ha ganado interés la producción de hidrógeno verde desde la electrólisis del agua utilizando ERNC como fuente de energía, esto principalmente, por su capacidad de almacenar la energía de forma estable y su alto poder energético 120 MJ/kg. En el norte de Chile existe un gran potencial para usar de manera intensiva energía solar para generar hidrógeno y sus derivados. Sin embargo, requiere agua y la disponibilidad para uso industrial desde fuentes superficiales y subterráneas es inviable en el sector. Por ello, resulta crucial buscar fuentes de agua alternativas que den sostenibilidad a este proceso, que si bien, no es intensivo su uso, si se requiere como insumo clave. Este hecho se vuelve aún más crítico en sectores alejados de la costa, donde la desalinización no resulta factible en la escala requerida. En ese contexto, esta memoria propone el diseño de una planta de generación de hidrógeno verde utilizando energía solar y agua de la atmósfera. Esta última se refiere a la captación de humedad del aire, que puede ser, mediante enfriamiento pasivo, concentración de vapor o refrigeración activa. De acuerdo con mediciones experimentales preliminares, la localidad de La Negra en la región de Antofagasta, cumple con las condiciones técnicas para este tipo de procesos; primero, por su alta disponibilidad de recursos de energía solar, y segundo, dado que su implementación tendría efectos perjudiciales marginales en el ciclo hídrico atmosférico de la zona.
There is currently a growing demand for energy in the world and this is mainly supplied through the use of fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases. The impact of the latter on climate change has led to a wide acceptance in society that there must be a transition to renewable and emission-free energy sources. In this scenario, the production of green hydrogen from the electrolysis of water using NCRE as an energy source has gained interest, mainly due to its capacity to store energy in a stable manner and its high energetic power of 120 MJ/kg. In northern Chile there is great potential for intensive use of solar energy to generate hydrogen and its derivatives. However, it requires water and the availability for industrial use from surface and subway sources is unfeasible in the sector. Therefore, it is crucial to look for alternative water sources that provide sustainability to this process, which, although not intensive, is required as a key input. This fact becomes even more critical in sectors far from the coast, where desalination is not feasible on the required scale. In this context, this report proposes the design of a green hydrogen generation plant using solar energy and water from the atmosphere. The latter refers to the capture of humidity from the air, which can be by passive cooling, vapor concentration or active cooling. According to preliminary experimental measurements, the locality of La Negra in the Antofagasta region, meets the technical conditions for this type of process; first, due to its high availability of solar energy resources, and second, given that its implementation would have marginal detrimental effects on the atmospheric water cycle in the area.
There is currently a growing demand for energy in the world and this is mainly supplied through the use of fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases. The impact of the latter on climate change has led to a wide acceptance in society that there must be a transition to renewable and emission-free energy sources. In this scenario, the production of green hydrogen from the electrolysis of water using NCRE as an energy source has gained interest, mainly due to its capacity to store energy in a stable manner and its high energetic power of 120 MJ/kg. In northern Chile there is great potential for intensive use of solar energy to generate hydrogen and its derivatives. However, it requires water and the availability for industrial use from surface and subway sources is unfeasible in the sector. Therefore, it is crucial to look for alternative water sources that provide sustainability to this process, which, although not intensive, is required as a key input. This fact becomes even more critical in sectors far from the coast, where desalination is not feasible on the required scale. In this context, this report proposes the design of a green hydrogen generation plant using solar energy and water from the atmosphere. The latter refers to the capture of humidity from the air, which can be by passive cooling, vapor concentration or active cooling. According to preliminary experimental measurements, the locality of La Negra in the Antofagasta region, meets the technical conditions for this type of process; first, due to its high availability of solar energy resources, and second, given that its implementation would have marginal detrimental effects on the atmospheric water cycle in the area.