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Este estudio numérico fue desarrollado con el fin de investigar el efecto de la variacióndel Índice de Oxígeno (OI) del flujo de oxidante entre 21 y 35 %, sobre la producción dehollín y radiación térmica emitida por llamas de difusión laminar de propano axisimétricasa presión atmosférica. En las simulaciones numéricas fueron utilizados: el ExtendedEnthalpy Defect Flamelet Model, un modelo de producción de hollín semi-empírico dedos ecuaciones basado en acetileno/benceno, y el Full-Spectrum correlated-k radiativeproperty model. El enfoque de este estudio es demostrar la importancia de tomar en cuentael efecto de envejecimiento del hollín, esto con el propósito de predecir correctamente cómoel aumento del OI afecta a la producción de hollín predicha. Tres diferentes modelos detasa de crecimiento superficial del hollín fueron considerados. El primer modelo despreciael efecto de envejecimiento del hollín y asume que la tasa de crecimiento superficial delhollín es linealmente dependiente con respecto al área superficial del hollín. El segundo ytercer modelo consideran el efecto de envejecimiento, asumiendo que la tasa de crecimientosuperficial del hollín es proporcional a la raíz cuadrada del área superficial del mismo y asumiendoun área superficial sublineal dependiente del tamaño de partícula, respectivamente.La altura de llama predicha, fracción en volumen de hollín, fracción en volumen de hollínradialmente integrada y fracción radiativa fueron comparadas con los datos experimentalesdisponibles. El primer modelo de hollín, predijo un incremento mucho mayor en la cargade estas partículas al momento de aumentar el OI que lo observado experimentalmente.El segundo y tercer modelo mejoran considerablemente, en cuanto al comportamientogeneral del incremento en la carga de hollín predicho al aumentar el OI. El hollín y losgases de combustión realizan una contribución comparable a la radiación liberada por lallama bajo las condiciones estudiadas. Cuando el efecto de envejecimiento del hollín esconsiderado de forma adecuada, el código numérico implementado es eficiente y resultaser una herramienta apropiada para predecir la producción de hollín y radiación térmica enllamas de difusión de combustibles de hidrocarburos simples a diferentes condiciones deOI. Por otra parte, el incremento del OI en el flujo de oxidante resulta ser una considerableforma de aumentar la radiación de la llama, donde la correcta estimación de la producción de hollín es esencial para predecir la fracción radiativa de la llama.
A numerical analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of varying the OxygenIndex (OI) of the oxidizer stream between 21 and 35%on soot production and thermal radiationemitted by laminar propane axisymmetric diffusion flames at atmospheric pressure. Theextended enthalpy defect flamelet model, an acetylene/benzene-based two-equation semiempiricalsoot production model, and the Full-Spectrum correlated-k radiative propertymodel were used in the numerical simulations. The focus of this study is to demonstratethat it is important to account for the soot aging effect to correctly predict how increasingOI affects the predicted soot production. Three soot surface growth rate models were considered.The first model neglects the soot aging effect and assumes the soot surface growthrate is linearly dependent on soot surface area. The second and third models account for thesoot aging effect by assuming the soot surface growth rate is proportional to the square-rootof soot surface area and assuming a particle size-dependent sublinear soot surface area,respectively. The predicted flame height, soot volume fraction, radially integrated sootvolume fraction and radiant fraction were compared to available experimental data. The firstsoot model predicted a much higher soot loading increase with increasing OI than observedexperimentally. The second and third soot models improve considerable the predicted generalbehavior of soot loading increase with OI. Soot and combustion gases make comparablecontribution to flame radiation under the conditions studied. When the soot aging effectis properly taken into account, the relatively efficient numerical code implemented in thisstudy is a suitable tool for predicting soot production and thermal radiation in diffusionflames of simple hydrocarbon fuels at different OI conditions. Moreover, increasing OI ofthe oxidizer stream is a remarkable way to enhance the flame radiation where the correctestimation of soot production is essential to predict the radiant fraction of the flame.
A numerical analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of varying the OxygenIndex (OI) of the oxidizer stream between 21 and 35%on soot production and thermal radiationemitted by laminar propane axisymmetric diffusion flames at atmospheric pressure. Theextended enthalpy defect flamelet model, an acetylene/benzene-based two-equation semiempiricalsoot production model, and the Full-Spectrum correlated-k radiative propertymodel were used in the numerical simulations. The focus of this study is to demonstratethat it is important to account for the soot aging effect to correctly predict how increasingOI affects the predicted soot production. Three soot surface growth rate models were considered.The first model neglects the soot aging effect and assumes the soot surface growthrate is linearly dependent on soot surface area. The second and third models account for thesoot aging effect by assuming the soot surface growth rate is proportional to the square-rootof soot surface area and assuming a particle size-dependent sublinear soot surface area,respectively. The predicted flame height, soot volume fraction, radially integrated sootvolume fraction and radiant fraction were compared to available experimental data. The firstsoot model predicted a much higher soot loading increase with increasing OI than observedexperimentally. The second and third soot models improve considerable the predicted generalbehavior of soot loading increase with OI. Soot and combustion gases make comparablecontribution to flame radiation under the conditions studied. When the soot aging effectis properly taken into account, the relatively efficient numerical code implemented in thisstudy is a suitable tool for predicting soot production and thermal radiation in diffusionflames of simple hydrocarbon fuels at different OI conditions. Moreover, increasing OI ofthe oxidizer stream is a remarkable way to enhance the flame radiation where the correctestimation of soot production is essential to predict the radiant fraction of the flame.
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