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La escoria de cobre es uno de los principales residuos obtenidos del procesopirometalúrgico aplicado a los concentrados de cobre que ingresan a fundición. Este desechoindustrial es considerado un pasivo ambiental, por lo que si bien existe experiencia internacionalque avala el manejo y la comercialización de este material, generalmente permanece acopiadoocupando grandes extensiones de superficie de terreno y no brindando un uso práctico.En esta investigación se estudió la factibilidad del uso de la escoria de cobre de CODELCOVentanas como reemplazo total del agregado pétreo utilizado en tratamientos superficialesasfálticos simples.En una primera instancia se evaluó los factores ambientales que permiten asegurar que eluso de este material corresponde efectivamente a una alternativa sustentable en la construcción decaminos, realizando estudios de fluorescencia de rayos X y análisis de lixiviación que permitieranconcluir que este residuo no es peligroso.Para estudiar las propiedades de la escoria como agregado para tratamientos superficiales, ydebido a que estos representan la solución vial básica más utilizada en la Región de Valparaíso, setrabajó con áridos extraídos del Río Aconcagua y del Estero La Patagua, de manera de realizar así laevaluación del comportamiento de la escoria de manera comparativa según las especificacionesdispuestas por el Manual de Carreteras. Para verificar el cumplimiento de estas especificaciones, serealizó en laboratorio evaluaciones de densidad del árido, resistencia a abrasión, resistencia adesintegración por sulfatos de sodio, cubicidad de partículas y adherencia agregado ligante.Sumado a esto, se evaluó el comportamiento de la fórmula de dosificación de la dimensiónmínima promedio, la cual corresponde a la fórmula para dosificación en tratamientos superficialesempleada en el país. Para realizar esta evaluación se utilizaron los áridos tradicionales yamencionados, replicando su granulometría con escoria de cobre, con el objetivo de independizar losresultados de efectos provocados por la dimensión de las partículas. La evaluación de ladosificación de agregado se realizó mediante colocación manual del árido en un área delimitada,mientras que la evaluación de la dosificación de agregado se realizó a través de simulaciones detránsito en laboratorio.Finalizada la investigación, se pudo concluir que la escoria de cobre cumple con todos losrequisitos establecidos por el Manual de Carreteras para ser utilizado como árido en TratamientosSuperficiales asfálticos. Este residuo presenta alta cubicidad, densidad e incluso mejor adherenciacon el ligante que los áridos tradicionales, lo que permitiría obtener una mejor trabazón con la basegranular. La fórmula de dosificación utilizada presenta buen funcionamiento, tanto para la dosis deárido como para la de ligante, por lo que no requiere factores de corrección.En términos ambientales, se comprobó el impacto positivo ambiental que generará lautilización de este residuo en la Región de Valparaíso. Se pudo comprobar mediante fluorescenciapor rayos X que la escoria depositada en distintos sectores del botadero de CODELCO Ventanasposee la misma composición. Mediante lixiviación, según lo establecido en el “ReglamentoSanitario Sobre Manejo De Residuos Peligrosos”, se pudo demostrar que los posiblescontaminantes no evidenciaron concentraciones que superaran la norma establecida, por lo que sereafirma la condición de pasivo ambiental.Considerando los resultados obtenidos, se recomienda el uso de la escoria de cobre,afirmando que representa una alternativa sustentable en la construcción de caminos básicos para laRegión de Valparaíso.
The copper slag is one of the main residues obtained from the pyrometallurgical processapplied to the copper concentrates that enter the smelter. This industrial waste is considered anenvironmental liability, so although there is international experience that guarantees themanagement and commercialization of this material, it usually remains occupied by large tracts ofland and does not provide practical use.In this research the feasibility of using the CODELCO Ventanas copper slag as a totalreplacement of the stone aggregate used in simple asphalt surface treatments was studied.In the first instance, environmental factors were evaluated to ensure that the use of thismaterial effectively corresponds to a sustainable alternative in the construction of roads, carryingout studies of X-ray fluorescence and leaching analysis to conclude that this residue is notdangerous.In order to study the properties of slag as an aggregate for surface treatments, and becausethese represent the most used basic road solution in the Valparaíso Region, we worked withaggregates extracted from the Aconcagua River and the La Patagua Estuary, The evaluation of theperformance of the slag in a comparative manner according to the specifications provided by theRoad Manual. To verify compliance with these specifications, measurements of aggregate density,abrasion resistance, disintegration resistance by sodium sulfates, particle cubicity and aggregatebonding adhesion were performed in the laboratory.In addition to this, the behavior of the dosage formula of the mean minimum dimension wasevaluated, which corresponds to the formula for dosage in superficial treatments used in thecountry. In order to carry out this evaluation, the aforementioned traditional aggregates were used,replicating their granulometry with copper slag, in order to make the results of effects caused by theparticle size independent. The evaluation of the aggregate dosage was performed by manualplacement of the aggregate in a delimited area, while the evaluation of the aggregate dosage wasperformed through laboratory simulations.After the investigation, it was possible to conclude that the copper slag fulfills all therequirements established by the Road Manual to be used as aggregate in Asphaltic SurfaceTreatments. This residue presents high cubicity, density and even better adhesion with the binderthan the traditional aggregates, which would allow a better bonding with the granular base. Thedosage formula used shows good performance for both the arid and binder doses and therefore doesnot require correction factors.In environmental terms, we verified the positive environmental impact that will generate theuse of this waste in the Region of Valparaiso. It was possible to verify by fluorescence by X-raysthat the slag deposited in different sectors of the dump of CODELCO Ventanas has the samecomposition. By means of leaching, as established in the "Sanitary Regulation on the Managementof Hazardous Waste", it was possible to demonstrate that the possible contaminants did not showconcentrations that exceed the established norm, for which reaffirms the condition of environmentalliability.Considering the results obtained, the use of the copper slag is recommended, affirming thatit represents a sustainable alternative in the construction of basic roads for the Region of Valparaiso.
The copper slag is one of the main residues obtained from the pyrometallurgical processapplied to the copper concentrates that enter the smelter. This industrial waste is considered anenvironmental liability, so although there is international experience that guarantees themanagement and commercialization of this material, it usually remains occupied by large tracts ofland and does not provide practical use.In this research the feasibility of using the CODELCO Ventanas copper slag as a totalreplacement of the stone aggregate used in simple asphalt surface treatments was studied.In the first instance, environmental factors were evaluated to ensure that the use of thismaterial effectively corresponds to a sustainable alternative in the construction of roads, carryingout studies of X-ray fluorescence and leaching analysis to conclude that this residue is notdangerous.In order to study the properties of slag as an aggregate for surface treatments, and becausethese represent the most used basic road solution in the Valparaíso Region, we worked withaggregates extracted from the Aconcagua River and the La Patagua Estuary, The evaluation of theperformance of the slag in a comparative manner according to the specifications provided by theRoad Manual. To verify compliance with these specifications, measurements of aggregate density,abrasion resistance, disintegration resistance by sodium sulfates, particle cubicity and aggregatebonding adhesion were performed in the laboratory.In addition to this, the behavior of the dosage formula of the mean minimum dimension wasevaluated, which corresponds to the formula for dosage in superficial treatments used in thecountry. In order to carry out this evaluation, the aforementioned traditional aggregates were used,replicating their granulometry with copper slag, in order to make the results of effects caused by theparticle size independent. The evaluation of the aggregate dosage was performed by manualplacement of the aggregate in a delimited area, while the evaluation of the aggregate dosage wasperformed through laboratory simulations.After the investigation, it was possible to conclude that the copper slag fulfills all therequirements established by the Road Manual to be used as aggregate in Asphaltic SurfaceTreatments. This residue presents high cubicity, density and even better adhesion with the binderthan the traditional aggregates, which would allow a better bonding with the granular base. Thedosage formula used shows good performance for both the arid and binder doses and therefore doesnot require correction factors.In environmental terms, we verified the positive environmental impact that will generate theuse of this waste in the Region of Valparaiso. It was possible to verify by fluorescence by X-raysthat the slag deposited in different sectors of the dump of CODELCO Ventanas has the samecomposition. By means of leaching, as established in the "Sanitary Regulation on the Managementof Hazardous Waste", it was possible to demonstrate that the possible contaminants did not showconcentrations that exceed the established norm, for which reaffirms the condition of environmentalliability.Considering the results obtained, the use of the copper slag is recommended, affirming thatit represents a sustainable alternative in the construction of basic roads for the Region of Valparaiso.
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