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La energía solar se ha convertido en una realidad hoy en día, siendo utilizada a nivelindustrial con grandes plantas generadoras y a nivel doméstico con arreglos de panelesinstalados usualmente sobre la techumbre.En este último ámbito, el desarrollo e investigación se centran en la búsqueda de nuevastopologías de convertidores de baja potencia y de métodos de control que permitanuna conexión directa a la red AC domiciliaria con una alta eficiencia, considerando quedebe proveerse un alto radio de conversión de voltaje debido a la baja tensión proveídapor los arreglos de paneles y la alta tensión necesaria para la conexión a red.Dentro de las topologías de convertidor más prometedoras se encuentra el convertidorde impedancia, en particular el quasi Z- Source inverter (qZSI), ya que permite unalto factor de elevación de voltaje con bajas pérdidas.Sin embargo las alternativas para el control y modulación de estos convertidoresreportadas hasta el momento son bastante complejas ya que se debe controlar el factorde elevación junto con las corrientes de salida del inversor.Es por esto que el presente trabajo de título propone una estrategia de MPC-FCSpor sus siglas en ingles que en español indican “control predictivo de estados finitos”,aplicado para este tipo de convertidores que permite controlar en forma independienteel factor de elevación y la corriente de salida. El presente trabajo de título abarca elmodelado, simulación, implementación y control de un convertidor qZSI.En una primera etapa se analiza la modulación SBC-PWM por sus siglas en ingles de“Simple Boost Control Pulse Width Modulation” y se simula su comportamiento. Luegose plantea un modelo para el control predictivo así como una función de costos que estabasada en las corrientes de los inductores de la red de impedancia y la corriente de salida.En el convertidor implementado se prueban ambos métodos de control y se comparasu desempeño.De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se concluye que es posible controlar ambosobjetivos de control en forma independiente, dentro de un cierto rango, por lo tantola utilización de control predictivo habilitaría el uso de este tipo de convertidores paraaplicaciones foto voltaicas de baja potencia.
Solar energy has become a reality today, being used both in industrial applicationsin combination with large generating plants and also at domestic level with panel arrangementsusually installed on the roof.In this last area, the research is focused on the development of new topologies oflow power converters and control methods, allowing a high efficiency direct connectionto the AC network. To realize that connection a high voltage conversion ratio is neededdue to the low voltage provided by the panel array and the high voltage required for thenetwork connection.Within the most promising converter topologies there is the impedance networkconverter family (Z-source converter), in particular the quasi Z-Source converter (qZSconverter), which allows a high voltage boost factor providing low losses. However,the proposed alternatives for the control and modulation of these converters are quitecomplex, since the boost factor must be controlled together with the inverter outputcurrents.This is why the present work proposes a control strategy based on the Finite ControlSet - Model Predictive Control (FCS – MPC). This control technique applied to theseconverters allows independent control of the boost factor and the output currents. Thepresent work covers the modeling, simulation, implementation and control of a qZSIconverter.In a first step it is analyzed a modulation based control method, the Simple BoostControl Pulse Width Modulation (SBC – PWM). Then we propose a discrete model of the converter for the predictive control, as well as the cost function design, composed bythe variables of the impedance network, inductors currents and capacitor voltages, andthe output currents. In the studied converter, performances of both control methods aretested and compared.According to the obtained results it is concluded that it is possible to control bothcontrol objectives independently, within a limited range. Therefore the use of predictivecontrol could allow using this type of converter for low power photovoltaic applications.
Solar energy has become a reality today, being used both in industrial applicationsin combination with large generating plants and also at domestic level with panel arrangementsusually installed on the roof.In this last area, the research is focused on the development of new topologies oflow power converters and control methods, allowing a high efficiency direct connectionto the AC network. To realize that connection a high voltage conversion ratio is neededdue to the low voltage provided by the panel array and the high voltage required for thenetwork connection.Within the most promising converter topologies there is the impedance networkconverter family (Z-source converter), in particular the quasi Z-Source converter (qZSconverter), which allows a high voltage boost factor providing low losses. However,the proposed alternatives for the control and modulation of these converters are quitecomplex, since the boost factor must be controlled together with the inverter outputcurrents.This is why the present work proposes a control strategy based on the Finite ControlSet - Model Predictive Control (FCS – MPC). This control technique applied to theseconverters allows independent control of the boost factor and the output currents. Thepresent work covers the modeling, simulation, implementation and control of a qZSIconverter.In a first step it is analyzed a modulation based control method, the Simple BoostControl Pulse Width Modulation (SBC – PWM). Then we propose a discrete model of the converter for the predictive control, as well as the cost function design, composed bythe variables of the impedance network, inductors currents and capacitor voltages, andthe output currents. In the studied converter, performances of both control methods aretested and compared.According to the obtained results it is concluded that it is possible to control bothcontrol objectives independently, within a limited range. Therefore the use of predictivecontrol could allow using this type of converter for low power photovoltaic applications.
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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso