Thesis Modelación Numérica de la producción de Hidrógeno y Gas de Síntesis mediante la Oxidación Parcial de Petróleo Pesado N°6
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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso
En el marco del proyecto FONDECYT 1121188, el presente trabajo tiene lafinalidad de formular un modelo de cinética de combustión de petróleo pesado acoplado almodelo de combustión en medios porosos inertes. De acuerdo a los variados esquemas dereacción revisados en la literatura, se presenta un esquema de reacción propuesto en estetrabajo que varía en función de la razón de equivalencia (f) Se presenta el modelo matemático de la combustión en medios porosos inertes queconsidera las ecuaciones de conservación de energía, masa y especie química, el cual seacopla al esquema de reacción propuesto.El modelo se resuelve mediante diferencias finitas utilizando el algoritmo TDMA, ypara cada reacción se resuelve de acuerdo al perfil de temperaturas en serie y para lageneración de hidrógeno se considera la water gas shift reaction.Resultados experimentales de perfiles de temperatura, producción de hidrógeno (H2)y monóxido de carbono (CO) permiten validar el modelo y el esquema de reacciónpropuesto para un f = 1.3. La temperatura máxima modelada es de 1103 K, similares losensayos de laboratorio esta temperatura es cercana a 1400 K. Por su parte el porcentaje envolumen obtenido en el modelo de CO y H2 es de 14.78% y 9.43% respectivamente,similares los resultados obtenidos en laboratorio son de 15.85% y 9.98% respectivamente.Como conclusión, el modelo posee las siguientes características: Se debe imponerun diámetro de reactor menor a 0.1 m para poder trabajar en un modelo de una dimensión.Se debe imponer una temperatura de ignición alta mayor o igual a 844 K. Se debe imponervelocidades de entrada de la mezcla bajas debido a la alta densidad de este tipo de combustibles, de este modo se evita la turbulencia dentro del volumen de control. Amedida que aumenta la razón de equivalencia, aumenta la temperatura del frente decombustión. Y a medida que aumenta la razón de equivalencia, aumenta la temperatura delperfil de la llama.
Under the project FONDECYT 1121188, the present work aims to develop a modelof combustion kinetics model coupled to inert porous media combustion heavy oil. Variedaccording to the reaction schemes reviewed in the literature, a reaction scheme proposed inthis paper that varies depending on the equivalence ratio (f). The mathematical model of combustion in inert porous media considering theconservation equations of energy, mass and chemical species, which is coupled to theproposed reaction scheme is presented.The model is solved by using the finite difference algorithm TDMA, and eachreaction was resolved according serial temperature profile and for generating the hydrogenis considered the water gas shift reaction.Experimental results of temperature profiles, production of hydrogen (H2) andcarbon monoxide (CO) for validating the model and the proposed reaction scheme for f =1.3. The maximum temperature modeled is 1103 K, laboratory tests this temperature isclose to 1400 K. On the other hand the volume percentage obtained in the model of CO andH2 is 14.78% and 9.43% respectively, the laboratory results are similar which it’s 15.85%and 9.98% respectively.In conclusion, the model has the following characteristics: It should impose areactor diameter of less than 0.1 m to work on a model of a dimension. Should impose ahigh ignition temperature greater than or equal to 844 K. Be imposed on the input speeddue to low mix the high density of this type of fuel, thereby turbulence within the control volume is avoided. As equivalence ratio increases, temperature increases combustion front.And as equivalence ratio increases, the temperature increase profile of the flame.
Under the project FONDECYT 1121188, the present work aims to develop a modelof combustion kinetics model coupled to inert porous media combustion heavy oil. Variedaccording to the reaction schemes reviewed in the literature, a reaction scheme proposed inthis paper that varies depending on the equivalence ratio (f). The mathematical model of combustion in inert porous media considering theconservation equations of energy, mass and chemical species, which is coupled to theproposed reaction scheme is presented.The model is solved by using the finite difference algorithm TDMA, and eachreaction was resolved according serial temperature profile and for generating the hydrogenis considered the water gas shift reaction.Experimental results of temperature profiles, production of hydrogen (H2) andcarbon monoxide (CO) for validating the model and the proposed reaction scheme for f =1.3. The maximum temperature modeled is 1103 K, laboratory tests this temperature isclose to 1400 K. On the other hand the volume percentage obtained in the model of CO andH2 is 14.78% and 9.43% respectively, the laboratory results are similar which it’s 15.85%and 9.98% respectively.In conclusion, the model has the following characteristics: It should impose areactor diameter of less than 0.1 m to work on a model of a dimension. Should impose ahigh ignition temperature greater than or equal to 844 K. Be imposed on the input speeddue to low mix the high density of this type of fuel, thereby turbulence within the control volume is avoided. As equivalence ratio increases, temperature increases combustion front.And as equivalence ratio increases, the temperature increase profile of the flame.
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