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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso
El presente trabajo de título fue propuesto por la empresa termoeléctrica AES Gener, División Ventanas, específicamente el Taller de Mantención y su pañol de herramientas, materiales e insumos, con el objetivo principal de implementar la metodología 5S. Para esto se procedió a realizar una investigación acerca de esta metodología japonesa, sus conceptos, la importancia que tienen y las mejoras que conlleva a las empresas, cuando las 5S son aplicadas.Una vez recopilada la información sobre sobre la metodología de las 5S, llamado así por sus cinco palabras: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu y Shitsuke; se procedo a la implementación del método en la empresa AES Gener.Este proceso utilizó el ciclo Deming para su ejecución, se creó un plan de acción siguiendo los pasos de la metodología 5S en el cual se decidió llevar a cabo el proyecto en tres secuencias. En la primera se realizó difusión del tema, para informar al personal sobre la importancia y los beneficios que aportan esta metodología, la segunda etapa fue la implementación de cada concepto estudiado segmentándolo en dos partes, dirigida a objetos y elementos existentes en el taller y la segunda dirigida al personal en un ámbito de conducta y compromiso. Para chequear estos cambios se decidió realizar una evaluación inicial del área, en lo que refiere a organización y limpieza con el fin de detectar las principales falencias que presenta el taller y atacar los puntos más críticos y para concluir con el proyecto, se realizó una evaluación final que consistió en mostrar registros fotográficos y encuestas para apreciar los cambios implementados. Una vez terminada estas partes se procedió a documentar mediante informes la implementación de las 5s y de esta forma cerrar el ciclo de mejora continua aplicado en el taller de mantención y pañol.Cabe destacar que una serie de tareas acorde a este trabajo fueron coordinadas con la mutual de seguridad, la que adscribe la empresa y considerar que este plan es el primer paso para mantener el Taller de Mantención organizado y limpio.
This college degree assay was proposed by AES Gener Thermoelectric Company –Ventanas Division– specifically Maintenance Section: Tools Deposit, Supplies and Materials, with the primary objective to implement 5S methodology. In order to achieve that a research had to be carried out, about this Japanese methodology, its concepts, the importance about them and the company's improvements that comes with it, when 5S are applied.Once the necessary information about the 5S methodology was compiled, it is called for its five words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke; the method was implemented in the company AES Gener.The project used the Deming cycle for its execution, an action plan was created following the steps of the 5S methodology in which it was decided to carry out the project in three stages: In the first, the issue was disseminated, to inform staff about the importance and benefits of this methodology, the second stage was the implementation of each concept studied, creating a segmentation into two parts, the first one directed to the objects and elements present in the workshop the second one directed to the personal in a behavior and commitment.. In order to check these changes, it was decided to carry out an initial evaluation of the area, in terms of organization and cleanliness in order to detect the main deficiencies that the workshop presents and to attack the most critical points and to conclude the project, an evaluation was carried out. Final that consisted in showing photographic records and surveys to appreciate the changes implemented. Once these parts were finished, the implementation of the 5S was documented by means of reports and this way, the continuous improvement cycle applied in the maintenance and storage workshop was closed.It's important to mention that a series of duties in accordance with this work were coordinated with the security ensurance company that this company works with. In addition, is to be considered this plan is the first step into keeping the maintenance workshop clean and organized.
This college degree assay was proposed by AES Gener Thermoelectric Company –Ventanas Division– specifically Maintenance Section: Tools Deposit, Supplies and Materials, with the primary objective to implement 5S methodology. In order to achieve that a research had to be carried out, about this Japanese methodology, its concepts, the importance about them and the company's improvements that comes with it, when 5S are applied.Once the necessary information about the 5S methodology was compiled, it is called for its five words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke; the method was implemented in the company AES Gener.The project used the Deming cycle for its execution, an action plan was created following the steps of the 5S methodology in which it was decided to carry out the project in three stages: In the first, the issue was disseminated, to inform staff about the importance and benefits of this methodology, the second stage was the implementation of each concept studied, creating a segmentation into two parts, the first one directed to the objects and elements present in the workshop the second one directed to the personal in a behavior and commitment.. In order to check these changes, it was decided to carry out an initial evaluation of the area, in terms of organization and cleanliness in order to detect the main deficiencies that the workshop presents and to attack the most critical points and to conclude the project, an evaluation was carried out. Final that consisted in showing photographic records and surveys to appreciate the changes implemented. Once these parts were finished, the implementation of the 5S was documented by means of reports and this way, the continuous improvement cycle applied in the maintenance and storage workshop was closed.It's important to mention that a series of duties in accordance with this work were coordinated with the security ensurance company that this company works with. In addition, is to be considered this plan is the first step into keeping the maintenance workshop clean and organized.
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