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El presente estudio de tesina es el desarrollo de un modelo de marketing para elposicionamiento del café bajo la perspectiva de la experiencia del consumidor. La propuestasurge a través de la observación de una demanda insatisfecha de turistas extranjeros quevisitan la Quinta Región y demandan tomar un café de especialidad recién tostado y molido.Estudios también demuestran con respecto al consumo del café de alta calidad de parte delos chilenos, que dentro del período 2011/2016 hubo un crecimiento de demanda en volumendel 17,7% y se estima que entre el 2017/2021 su incremento será de un 10%.A raíz de esta demanda se crea la marca Kauak – Coffee Roasters and Tasting Bar, bajo elconcepto de la Tercera Ola del café, y guiada por la metodología de Marketing Experiencedesarrollada por Bernd Schmitt (2003), en donde se aplican conocimientos tácticos deExperiential Marketing para el desarrollo de sus objetivos. Con el desarrollo de este modelo,se pretende llegar a clientes que buscan aprender, vivir experiencias, envolverse ycomprometerse con la cadena de valor y procesos sustentables. Les interesa el origen, ladiferenciación y la calidad.Los países productores de café se encuentran ubicados en la zona centro del globo, pues elcultivo requiere de climas y suelos tropicales propios de la zona. De estos países productores,el 98% forman parte de la Organización Internacional del Café, que está conformada por 45países ubicados en Centro América, Sur América, El Caribe, África y Asia. De dichos paísesproductores, se selecciona a El Salvador como el proveedor principal para este proyecto, pueses un país con una larga trayectoria en cuanto a la producción y exportación de café, en donde,para el año 2015-2016 reportó que el 83% de su producción fue categorizada ycomercializada dentro de la categoría de alta calidad.En el documento se detallan aspectos relevantes para el desarrollo del emprendimiento queplantea comercializar café de especialidad en la Quinta Región: estudio de la demanda,proveedores, proceso de importación del producto, implementación de elementos tácticosguiados bajo la metodología de Experience Marketing y su respectiva evaluación financiera.
This study is the development of a Marketing Model for the positioning of coffee from theperspective of the consumer experience. The proposal arises through the observation of anunsatisfied demand of foreign tourists who visit the Fifth Region (Valparaíso) and demandto drink a freshly roasted and grinded specialty coffee. Studies also show regarding theconsumption of high quality coffee by Chileans, that within 2011/2016 there was a growth indemand in volume of 17.7% and it is estimated that between 2017/2021, its increase will be10%As a result of this demand, this study develops the brand Kauak - Coffee Roasters and TastingBar, under the concept of the Third Wave of Coffee. It is guided by the Marketing Experiencemethodology developed by Bernd Schmitt (2003), using tactical knowledge of ExperientialMarketing for the development of its objectives. It is intended to reach clients who seek tolearn, live experiences, get involved and commit to the value chain and sustainableprocesses. They are interested in origin, differentiation and quality.The coffee producing countries are located in the central zone of the globe, a cause of thetropical weather that the crop requires. Of the producing countries, 98% are part of theInternational Coffee Organization, which is made up of 45 countries located in CentralAmerica, South America, Caribe, Africa and Asia. From these producing countries, ElSalvador is selected as the main supplier for this project, since it is a country with a longhistory in terms of coffee production and exports: the coffee year 2015-2016 it reported that83% of its production was categorized and marketed within the category of high quality.The document details relevant aspects for the development of a venture that proposes tomarket specialty coffee in the Fifth Region: study of the demand, suppliers, product importprocess, implementation of tactical elements guided by the Experience Marketingmethodology and its respective financial evaluation.
This study is the development of a Marketing Model for the positioning of coffee from theperspective of the consumer experience. The proposal arises through the observation of anunsatisfied demand of foreign tourists who visit the Fifth Region (Valparaíso) and demandto drink a freshly roasted and grinded specialty coffee. Studies also show regarding theconsumption of high quality coffee by Chileans, that within 2011/2016 there was a growth indemand in volume of 17.7% and it is estimated that between 2017/2021, its increase will be10%As a result of this demand, this study develops the brand Kauak - Coffee Roasters and TastingBar, under the concept of the Third Wave of Coffee. It is guided by the Marketing Experiencemethodology developed by Bernd Schmitt (2003), using tactical knowledge of ExperientialMarketing for the development of its objectives. It is intended to reach clients who seek tolearn, live experiences, get involved and commit to the value chain and sustainableprocesses. They are interested in origin, differentiation and quality.The coffee producing countries are located in the central zone of the globe, a cause of thetropical weather that the crop requires. Of the producing countries, 98% are part of theInternational Coffee Organization, which is made up of 45 countries located in CentralAmerica, South America, Caribe, Africa and Asia. From these producing countries, ElSalvador is selected as the main supplier for this project, since it is a country with a longhistory in terms of coffee production and exports: the coffee year 2015-2016 it reported that83% of its production was categorized and marketed within the category of high quality.The document details relevant aspects for the development of a venture that proposes tomarket specialty coffee in the Fifth Region: study of the demand, suppliers, product importprocess, implementation of tactical elements guided by the Experience Marketingmethodology and its respective financial evaluation.
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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Campus Vitacura Santiago