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En el siguiente estudio se plantea la hipótesis de que los trabajos masculinizados podrían ser un factor importante de las razones por las cuales las mujeres no se incorporan a la fuerza laboral en Chile.Los trabajos masculinizados son definidos como aquellos que tienen unos 80% o más de trabajadores hombres en su fuerza laboral. En chile estos rubros son: pesca, agricultura, industria manufacturera, minería, suministros y construcción.Para dar contexto al estudio se analizan las últimas encuestas realizadas en Chile sobre la fuerza laboral activa e inactiva, además del marco teórico actual internacional y nacional.Para validar o refutar la hipótesis, se realiza una encuesta a mujeres que se encuentran activas laboralmente en rubros donde existe una fuerza laboral masculina importante. La pregunta va dirigida a ordenar las razones, incluido el factor de trabajos masculinizados, teniendo en cuenta que ellas conocen este tipo de rubros, por lo cual han tenido experiencias respecto a las condiciones físicas, emocionales y culturales.Los resultados, indican que los trabajos masculinizados están dentro de las 3 razones más importantes para no incorporarse al mundo laboral, en conjunto con el cuidado de familia y/o hijos y la doble jornada laboral (hogar y trabajo).Como propuesta para trabajar la equidad de género en los rubros masculinizados, se diseña y confecciona un chaleco geólogo para la mujer, con el objetivo de ser incorporado en una empresa del rubro y medir su impacto.Como último punto de la tesina, se analiza el mercado de los elementos de protección personal, con el objetivo de medir proyección de incorporar elementos de protección personal de mujeres, como un nicho no abordado en su totalidad.
The following study raises the hypothesis that masculinized jobs, an important factor in the reasons why women do not enter the job force in Chile.The masculinized jobs are those that have about 80% or more of men in their labor force. In Chile these items are: fishing, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, supplies and construction.To validate or refute the hypothesis, a survey is conducted of women who have job results in areas where there is an important male workforce. The question is addressed to the reasons, including the factor of masculinized works, taking into account that this type of items, so they have had experiences regarding physical and emotional conditions, activities and culture as such.The results indicate that the masculinized jobs are among the 3 most important reasons in conjunction with the reasons such as the care of family and children and the double working day (home and work).As a solution proposal, to work with equality in the masculinized items, a geologist vest for women is designed and made, with the aim of being incorporated into a company of the field and measuring its impact.As a final point of the dissertation, the market for personal protection elements is analyzed, with the objective of measuring the exposure of the elements of personal protection of women, as a niche not addressed in its entirety.
The following study raises the hypothesis that masculinized jobs, an important factor in the reasons why women do not enter the job force in Chile.The masculinized jobs are those that have about 80% or more of men in their labor force. In Chile these items are: fishing, agriculture, manufacturing, mining, supplies and construction.To validate or refute the hypothesis, a survey is conducted of women who have job results in areas where there is an important male workforce. The question is addressed to the reasons, including the factor of masculinized works, taking into account that this type of items, so they have had experiences regarding physical and emotional conditions, activities and culture as such.The results indicate that the masculinized jobs are among the 3 most important reasons in conjunction with the reasons such as the care of family and children and the double working day (home and work).As a solution proposal, to work with equality in the masculinized items, a geologist vest for women is designed and made, with the aim of being incorporated into a company of the field and measuring its impact.As a final point of the dissertation, the market for personal protection elements is analyzed, with the objective of measuring the exposure of the elements of personal protection of women, as a niche not addressed in its entirety.
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