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El mundo de la educación y la generación deconocimiento está cambiando, hay unmovimiento que está impactando en granmanera. Este movimiento ha sido denominadoMovimiento Maker, Cultura Maker, y algunosmás osados se atreven a mencionarlo como“Tercera Revolución Industrial”. Esta cultura esuna extensión basada en la tecnología de lacultura “Hágalo usted mismo”, que plantea quetodo el mundo es capaz de hacer cualquier cosaen lugar de contratar un especialista enrealizarla.En este escrito se presenta el origen y la filosofíaen detalle de este Movimiento Maker,destacando aspectos de beneficios y algunosque aún no han sido abarcados de buena forma.Cabe destacar que la labor de esta cultura hatraído grandes beneficios y está tomando muchafuerza a nivel planeta, donde cada vez es más ymás los espacios que se dedican a cultivar estemovimiento. Estos FabLabs, Hackerspaces,Makerspaces, Hubs, Coworks, entre otros, sedenominan como espacios creativos.Si bien, hay un buen margen de maniobra,comparten algunos comportamientos ycaracterísticas típicas de ellos. Entre ellos se puede destacar el dinamismo interno que setraduce en diversas actividades que se realizanen sus dependencias, teniendo en cuenta queese espacio se puede mover en el interior.Actividades diversas como: clases, charlas,expocisiones, trabajo colaborativo, reuniones,entre otros.En base a esto se evidencia la necesidad decontar con un mobiliario que esté preparadopara el dinamismo de los procesos deaprendizaje que suceden en estos espacios. Ental sentido se propone “CREATURE”, unasolución orientada a dotar a los espacioscreativos con una materialidad de soporteadecuada a las necesidades de crear, construir ycompartir.
The world of education and the generation ofknowledge is changing, there is movement thathas made an impact in a great way. Thismovement has been nominated MakerMovement, Culture Maker, some of the boldestdare to call it “Third Industial Revolution” . Thiscultire is an extention based on the technology“DO IT YOURSELF”, which states that everyonein the world is capable to do anything instead ofhiring a specialist to do it.Written here we present the origin and thephilosophy in detail of this “Movement Maker”,highlighting aspects, benefits and some that havenot even been embraced. It should be noted thatthe job of this culture has brought great benefitsand it is moving with great strength world wide,where more often each and every spacededicated to grow this movement. This FabLabs,Hackerspaces, Makerspaces, Hubs, Coworks,between others, are dominated as creativespaces.If so, there is a good margin of maneuver, theyshare some characteristics and behaviors typicalof them. Between them you can pin point theinternal dynamic that is introduced in diverseactivities that take place in their grounds, keeping in mind that the space can be mobile indoors.Diverse activities such as classes, lectures,expositions, collaborative workshop, meetings,between others.Based on this, shows the necessity of having abuilding that is fit for the dynamics of the learningprocesses that occur in these spaces. In suchway it proposed “CREATURE”, a solutionorientated to equip the creative spaces withmateriality of the proper support for the needs tocreate, construct and share.
The world of education and the generation ofknowledge is changing, there is movement thathas made an impact in a great way. Thismovement has been nominated MakerMovement, Culture Maker, some of the boldestdare to call it “Third Industial Revolution” . Thiscultire is an extention based on the technology“DO IT YOURSELF”, which states that everyonein the world is capable to do anything instead ofhiring a specialist to do it.Written here we present the origin and thephilosophy in detail of this “Movement Maker”,highlighting aspects, benefits and some that havenot even been embraced. It should be noted thatthe job of this culture has brought great benefitsand it is moving with great strength world wide,where more often each and every spacededicated to grow this movement. This FabLabs,Hackerspaces, Makerspaces, Hubs, Coworks,between others, are dominated as creativespaces.If so, there is a good margin of maneuver, theyshare some characteristics and behaviors typicalof them. Between them you can pin point theinternal dynamic that is introduced in diverseactivities that take place in their grounds, keeping in mind that the space can be mobile indoors.Diverse activities such as classes, lectures,expositions, collaborative workshop, meetings,between others.Based on this, shows the necessity of having abuilding that is fit for the dynamics of the learningprocesses that occur in these spaces. In suchway it proposed “CREATURE”, a solutionorientated to equip the creative spaces withmateriality of the proper support for the needs tocreate, construct and share.
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