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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso
Los edifi cios de hormigon armado estructurados con muros y fundados sobre suelofi rme tuvieron un buen desempeño en el terremoto del Maule de 2010, sin embargo,algunos edifi cios que estaban en lugares como Concepción y Viña del Mar, donde laroca se encuentra a mas de 100 metros de profundidad, sufrieron da~nos en sus muros.Evaluaciones de edi ficios dañados en Concepcion han concluido que el da~no observadodebe haberse producido a desplazamientos laterales del orden de un 0:5% a1:0% de la altura, con fallas fragiles, estando la posible demanda de desplazamientocercana a 1:2% a 1:5% de la altura, requiriendose ductilidad para resistir el sismode manera satisfactoria.El terremoto del Maule de 2010 fue registrado por la red de la Universidad deChile (Renadic) y por el Centro Sismologico Nacional de la Universidad de Chile(CSN), los registros obtenidos son principalmente sobre suelos de relleno, existiendopocos registros sobre roca.Debido a que no existen su cientes registros del terremoto en zonas de suelosblandos y donde hubo mayor daño, en esta memoria se evalua el metodo lineal equivalenteen la ciudad de Concepcion, donde hay un registro en estas condiciones,comparando los resultados obtenidos con esta teoría unidimensional con lo registradodurante el terremoto.El metodo lineal equivalente es usado por varios autores debido a la facilidady rapidez de su aplicacion. En esta memoria se usa este metodo para obtener elmovimiento del suelo en la super ficie de un estrato de suelo blando comparando losresultados al utilizar diferentes movimientos de la roca basal, se usaron los registrosde Rapel y Valparaso, los cuales fueron obtenidos sobre afloramientos rocosos, ambos registros lejanos a la ciudad de Concepcion.Se determino que la eleccion del movimiento considerado en la roca basal afectafuertemente el movimiento generado en superfi cie, existiendo mayores diferencias enlas ordenadas en torno al periodo del suelo. Por lo tanto, para futuros estudios deampli cacion, es necesario tener estaciones en roca en zonas cercanas a suelos blandos.Por otra parte, el registro de Concepcion ha sido util para interpretar el da~noocurrido en edi ficios de hormigon armado de mediana altura construidos en esa area.En este trabajo se evalua la ampli cacion del suelo y la variacion del contenido defrecuencia durante el terremoto. Para comparar la ampli cacion que ocurre en elsuelo blando de Concepcion, se utiliza el registro de San Pedro de la Paz, donde laroca se encuentra a una profundidad entre 25 a 40 metros, y el registro de ValparasoUTFSM el cual corresponde a un afloramiento rocoso. Se comparan los espectros dedesplazamientos y los desplazamientos de techo para cada registro.Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser extrapolados a lugares donde la roca se encuentraa similar profundidad, el registro obtenido en San Pedro representa areasdonde la roca basal se encuentra a una profundidad entre 25 y 40 metros, esperandosedesplazamientos de techo del orden de 0:7% de la altura. Los resultados obtenidoscon registro de Concepcion pueden ser extrapolados a zonas donde la roca basal seencuentre a mas de 100 metros de profundidad. Se deben tomar precauciones paralimitar los desplazamientos laterales y entregar mayor ductilidad en estructurasconstruidas sobre este tipo de condiciones de suelo.
Reinforced concrete buildings structured with walls and founded on firm soilhada good performance in the 2010 Maule earthquake in Chile, however, some buildingslocated in places like Concepcion and Viña del Mar, where the bedrock is deeperthan 100 meters suffered damage in their walls.Assessments of damaged buildings in Concepcion have concluded that the damageobserved must have occurred at lateral displacements of 0:5% to 1:0% of theheight of the building, with brittle behavior, with the possible demand for displacementclose to 1:2% a 1:5% of the height, being required supply ductility to resistthe earthquake in a satisfactory way.The 2010 Maule earthquake was recorded by the acelerometers network of theUniversity of Chile (Renadic) and by the National Seismological Center of the Universityof Chile (CSN),the records obtained are mainly on landfi lls, with few recordson rock.Due to the absence of sufficient earthquake records in areas with soft soils andwhere there was greater damage, the equivalent linear method is evaluated in thecity of Concepcion, where there is a registry in these conditions, comparing the resultsobtained with this one-dimensional theory with what was recorded during theearthquake.The equivalent linear method is used by several authors because of the ease andspeed of its application. In this report, this method is used to obtain soil movementon the surface of a soft soil stratum by comparing the results using dierent rockoutcropping motion. The Rapel and Valparaiso records were used, which were obtainedon rock outcrops, both distant records to the city of Concepcion.It was determined that the choice of the movement considered in the bedrockstrongly aects the movement generated on the surface, with greater dierences inthe ordinates around the soil period. Therefore, for future ampli cation studies, it isnecessary to have rock stations close to soft soils areas.On the other hand, the Concepcion registry has been useful to interpret the damageoccurred in buildings of reinforced concrete of medium height constructed inthat area. This work evaluates the ampli cation of the soil and the variation of thefrequency content during the earthquake. In order to compare the ampli cation thatoccurs in the soft soil of Concepcion, the record of San Pedro de la Paz is used,where the bedrock is located at a depth between 25 to 40 meters, and the registryof Valparaso UTFSM which corresponds to a rock outcrop. The displacement anddisplacement spectra are compared for each record.The obtained results can be extrapolated to places where the rock is at a similardepth, the record obtained in San Pedro represents areas where the basal rock islocated at a depth between 25 and 40 meters, with ceiling shifts of the order of 0:7%of height. The results obtained with Concepcion can be extrapolated to areas wherethe bedrock is more than 100 meters deep. Precautions should be taken to limitlateral displacements and provide ductility in structures built on this type of soilconditions.
Reinforced concrete buildings structured with walls and founded on firm soilhada good performance in the 2010 Maule earthquake in Chile, however, some buildingslocated in places like Concepcion and Viña del Mar, where the bedrock is deeperthan 100 meters suffered damage in their walls.Assessments of damaged buildings in Concepcion have concluded that the damageobserved must have occurred at lateral displacements of 0:5% to 1:0% of theheight of the building, with brittle behavior, with the possible demand for displacementclose to 1:2% a 1:5% of the height, being required supply ductility to resistthe earthquake in a satisfactory way.The 2010 Maule earthquake was recorded by the acelerometers network of theUniversity of Chile (Renadic) and by the National Seismological Center of the Universityof Chile (CSN),the records obtained are mainly on landfi lls, with few recordson rock.Due to the absence of sufficient earthquake records in areas with soft soils andwhere there was greater damage, the equivalent linear method is evaluated in thecity of Concepcion, where there is a registry in these conditions, comparing the resultsobtained with this one-dimensional theory with what was recorded during theearthquake.The equivalent linear method is used by several authors because of the ease andspeed of its application. In this report, this method is used to obtain soil movementon the surface of a soft soil stratum by comparing the results using dierent rockoutcropping motion. The Rapel and Valparaiso records were used, which were obtainedon rock outcrops, both distant records to the city of Concepcion.It was determined that the choice of the movement considered in the bedrockstrongly aects the movement generated on the surface, with greater dierences inthe ordinates around the soil period. Therefore, for future ampli cation studies, it isnecessary to have rock stations close to soft soils areas.On the other hand, the Concepcion registry has been useful to interpret the damageoccurred in buildings of reinforced concrete of medium height constructed inthat area. This work evaluates the ampli cation of the soil and the variation of thefrequency content during the earthquake. In order to compare the ampli cation thatoccurs in the soft soil of Concepcion, the record of San Pedro de la Paz is used,where the bedrock is located at a depth between 25 to 40 meters, and the registryof Valparaso UTFSM which corresponds to a rock outcrop. The displacement anddisplacement spectra are compared for each record.The obtained results can be extrapolated to places where the rock is at a similardepth, the record obtained in San Pedro represents areas where the basal rock islocated at a depth between 25 and 40 meters, with ceiling shifts of the order of 0:7%of height. The results obtained with Concepcion can be extrapolated to areas wherethe bedrock is more than 100 meters deep. Precautions should be taken to limitlateral displacements and provide ductility in structures built on this type of soilconditions.
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