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El entendimiento de la zona de swash es de vital importancia para la sociedad y en espec´ificode las comunidades costeras, ya que la comprensi´on de los procesos responsables de la evoluci´on dela costa a diferentes escalas de tiempo es vital para la gesti´on de playas y el sustentamiento de lascomunidades costeras. No obstante, la zona de swash es la parte de la costa menos entendida. Entrelas razones para este d´eficit se puede mencionar la complejidad de los fen´omenos f´isicos existentes,tales como las altas velocidades en una l´amina de agua de unos pocos cent´imetros de espesor, queinducen un gran transporte de sedimentos y turbulencia. Esto representa un gran desaf´io y dificultadpara la instrumentaci´on in situ, con la consiguiente falta de informaci´on para validaci´on y an´alisis. Eneste contexto, la comunidad cient´ifica ha llegado a un consenso de que la comprensi´on de esta zonadebe enfocarse en la alta frecuencia temporal, en un enfoque ola a ola.Por otro lado, durante las ´ultimas decadas las herramientas de teledetecci´on remota han progresadosignificativamente, siendo una t´ecnica muy efectiva para medir diversos procesos costeros a altafrecuencia temporal y en grandes dominios espaciales, a bajo costo.En este trabajo se propone un nuevo m´etodo de medici´on de alta frecuencia temporal de la zona deswash, basado en la disposici´on f´isica de barras morfol´ogicas circulares (”palitos”) que junto a c´amarasde video, permiten la extracci´on de series de tiempo de la superficie libre y nivel de fondo del swash,apoy´andose en la naturaleza sin´optica de la teledecci´on y en las variaciones de intensidad ´opticaspresentes en esta parte de la costa. Se presenta aqu´i la metodolog´ia utilizada, la disposici´on f´isica deelementos y recomendaciones, junto a los lugares donde la t´ecnica ha sido aplicada y el procesamientode im´agenes necesario para la extracci´on de datos. La validaci´on del m´etodo se realiza contrastandolos resultados con otros obtenidos desde instrumentos convencionales (LIDAR, sensores ultras´onicosy sensores de presi´on), apoy´andose del an´alisis estad´istico y de la comparaci´on cualitativa entre resultados,los cuales en conjunto con las caracter´isticas de los instrumentos, permiten identificar lasprincipales ventajas y limitaciones de la t´ecnica propuesta.
The thorough comprehension of the swash zone is of critical importance because the understandingof the processes responsible for the coastal evolution at different time scales is crucial for beachmanagement and the sustainability of the coastal areas, impacting both coastal population and nearbyecosystems. However, the swash zone is the area of the nearshore less understood. Among the reasonsfor this deficit, the most important is the complexity of the physical phenomena involved, such ashigh velocities in a shallow lens of water of a few centimeters depth, inducing high levels of sedimenttransport and turbulence. The latter represents a challenge and difficulty for in situ instrumentationof this zone and the consequent lack of information for validation and analysis. In this context, therehas been a consensus in the scientific community that the comprehension of the swash zone must befocused at high temporal frequencies, i.e. at the wave-by-wave scale.On the other hand, during the last decades, techniques based on stereometric and remote sensinghave been widely used, being an effective low cost technique for measuring different coastal processesat various time scales and over large spatial domains.In this work, we introduce a new method to measure the swash zone at high frequencies. The newtechnique consists on the deployment of morphological rods (palitos) and a video camera recordinga cross-shore transect of vertical poles. The synoptic nature of these stereometric techniques andthe variations in optical intensity present in the swash zone enable the extraction of bed level andwater depth time series. First, the methodology is outlined, including the physical deployment andrecommendations in conjunction with the undertaken field studies where the technique has beenapplied. Also, the image processing necessary for the data extraction is explained. The validation iscarried out against conventional instruments (LIDAR, ultrasonic level sensors and pressure sensors).Analysis is done by means of statistical properties and qualitative analysis, which serve as a base toidentify the main advantages and drawbacks of the proposed method.
The thorough comprehension of the swash zone is of critical importance because the understandingof the processes responsible for the coastal evolution at different time scales is crucial for beachmanagement and the sustainability of the coastal areas, impacting both coastal population and nearbyecosystems. However, the swash zone is the area of the nearshore less understood. Among the reasonsfor this deficit, the most important is the complexity of the physical phenomena involved, such ashigh velocities in a shallow lens of water of a few centimeters depth, inducing high levels of sedimenttransport and turbulence. The latter represents a challenge and difficulty for in situ instrumentationof this zone and the consequent lack of information for validation and analysis. In this context, therehas been a consensus in the scientific community that the comprehension of the swash zone must befocused at high temporal frequencies, i.e. at the wave-by-wave scale.On the other hand, during the last decades, techniques based on stereometric and remote sensinghave been widely used, being an effective low cost technique for measuring different coastal processesat various time scales and over large spatial domains.In this work, we introduce a new method to measure the swash zone at high frequencies. The newtechnique consists on the deployment of morphological rods (palitos) and a video camera recordinga cross-shore transect of vertical poles. The synoptic nature of these stereometric techniques andthe variations in optical intensity present in the swash zone enable the extraction of bed level andwater depth time series. First, the methodology is outlined, including the physical deployment andrecommendations in conjunction with the undertaken field studies where the technique has beenapplied. Also, the image processing necessary for the data extraction is explained. The validation iscarried out against conventional instruments (LIDAR, ultrasonic level sensors and pressure sensors).Analysis is done by means of statistical properties and qualitative analysis, which serve as a base toidentify the main advantages and drawbacks of the proposed method.
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Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María UTFSM. Casa Central Valparaíso