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Thesis ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL ANÁLISIS DE VIBRACIONES DE MOTORES ELÉCTRICOS Y ALTERNADORES EN BANCO DE PRUEBAS(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) POHORECKY CASTRO, FERNANDO ANDRÉS; OLIVARES SALINAS, MANUEL ANTONIO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; ROJAS GONZALEZ, FERNANDOAs part of a request from Komatsu Reman Center Chile, the improvement of the vibration analysis on a test bench of wheel motor and alternator of mining trucks is done. The study of the state of the art, where current vibration analysis systems are exposed, includes the equipment used, methodologies, standards and theoretical foundations. Later on, the particular environment of the test bench, corresponding to the context of implementation, is exposed. With the information obtained, the conceptual design and programming code of vibration analysis, which is included in the main program of the test bench, is performed. By processing data, the code determines the condition of the tested equipment and effectively recognizes fails. A program, whose purpose is testing and configuration the developed code, is created. LabVIEW of National Instruments is used for programing the vibration analysis code and the testing program. Each block of the code is independently validated in order to confirm its effectiveness. Finally, it is used to check vibration data of real tests, where effectively recognizes fault.Thesis ANÁLISIS Y MODELADO DE FLUCTUACIONES DE LARGO PLAZO EN ENLACES INALÁMBRICOS FIJOS A 5.8 GHZ(2016) Alegre Delgado, Patricio Fabián; Feick Laudien, Rodolfo; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICAEn esta tesis se analiza y modela la dinámica de largo plazo de enlaces inalámbricos fijos de banda angosta en la banda de 5.8 GHz. Este trabajo se basa en muestras de potencia capturadas sobre periodos ininterrumpidos de medición de 48 hrs bajo ambientes urbanos residenciales en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar, Chile. Los resultados expuestos en este trabajo pretenden responder preguntas sobre la existencia, caracterización y mitigación de los desvanecimientos temporales lentos, que a la fecha solo han sido caracterizados en escalas de unos minutos. El trabajo incluye la formulación de un modelo estadístico para caracterizar los desvanecimientos lentos y la evaluación de técnicas de diversidad en espacio y en frecuencia para su mitigación. Los resultados constituyen un aspecto relevante para la planificación de las redes de tipo celular que incluyen enlaces fijos en la interconexión de relevadores, como la usada en esquemas de femto-celdas para acceder a la red y dar acceso a un gran número de usuarios en áreas densamente pobladas.Thesis APLICACIÓN DE VARIADORES DE FRECUENCIA PARA EL CONTROL Y SUPERVISIÓN DE UN SISTEMA MEZCLADOR(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) LEÓN LÓPEZ, HÉCTOR FERNANDO; OLIVARES SALINAS, MANUEL ANTONIO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; ERRAZ LEVAGGI, DANIEL ANDRESThis proyect arises under the need to update the implementation of one of the available experiences at the Laboratory of Industrial Control. The use of frequency converters to control the ow by using three-phase pumps in pneumatic valve replacement with reduced action feature is proposed . The application of these equipments is decided for the experience with the objective of bringing students of the Electronics Department to its con guration and application. Throughout the document the evaluated solution are presented then the development of the selected alternative is showed. The update of the new piping and instrumentation system, detailed analysis modules, inverters, pumps used and ow conditioners cards is presented. Finally programming a PI controller in a ratio control strategy, proposed to this process is presented. An independent ows mixer consist of a ow control which is used as a reference in proportion to the control of a second ow rate. The results of a successful programming are re ected in the signals behavior through HMI screens for monitoring and parameters of interest change in real time. In this way a didactic interface for PID control is validated making tangible the correct implementation of a project that brings students to the Inverter Drives application and the considerations that this requires.Thesis APLICACIÓN MÓVIL PARA APRENDIZAJE ACTIVO EN AULAS SCALE-UP(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) GANTER HORST, CRISTÓBAL EDMUNDO; CREIXELL FUENTES, WERNER UWE; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICAThe SCALE-UP (“Student-Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies”) classrooms are designed to provide an environment for active and collaborative learning. These teaching techniques rely heavily on the interaction between students with different understanding about the same concept. Achieving this in courses with a high number of students is a challenge and therefore technology support is needed. In this work an ICT platform will de developed to be used in SCALE-UP classrooms. The platform will provide a working environment for the classroom’s activities. By monitoring the responses of students the platform will identify students with different answers. This will encourage discussion among students. The design will require the application to communicate bidirectionally with the clients (mobile devices), identify students, obtain student’s position in the classroom and provide a working environment for a wide number of different activities.Thesis APLICACIÓN WEB PARA CÁLCULO DE COBERTURA Y RADIOENLACES(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) REYES RAMÍREZ, TOMÁS ALONSO ANDRÉS; CARRASCO ESPINOSA, HÉCTOR MARIO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; CREIXELL FUENTES, WERNER UWEThesis AUTOMATIZACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE SOPLADO Y ASPIRADO CON INCLUSIÓN DE INTERFAZ GRAFICA Y SIMULACION 3D(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2015) CARRASCO GONZÁLEZ, NATHANAEL ALEXIS; CARRASCO GONZÁLEZ, NATHANAEL ALEXIS; SUAREZ SOTOMAYOR, ALEJANDRO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; OLIVARES SALINAS, MANUEL ANTONIOThis work aims to automate a blowing and vacuuming system for filters. For this programming files projected to be implemented in a controller and a UI are developed. To continue, and considering that the project is executed in only one development machine the use of shared variables through the subnet created by software is needed. Also, with no physical system it is projected to control a simulation based on a 3D diagram. To choose how to execute the project different alternatives were evaluated, from this, the decision was that the best way was using the development software LabVIEW (National Instruments) and 3D design software SOLIDWORKS. It is hoped that this work could be the base to more sophisticated developments considering the high level of detail presented in every section. In particular it is intended that this work be used as reference for teaching purposes in Laboratories of UTFSM Department of Electronics.Thesis BANCO DEMOSTRATIVO DE CONTROL DE MOVIMIENTO DE UN SERVOMOTOR AC.(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) MANSILLA VARGAS, CARLA ANDREA; OLIVARES SALINAS, MANUEL ANTONIO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; ROJAS GONZALEZ, FERNANDOThis work shows the development of “Test Bank of Motion Control of an AC Motor”, whose scope meets two main objectives. The first is to control the AC motor through a Servo Amplifier and a Programmable Logic Controller, and the second objective is to provide the Department of Electronics of a new experience for the Laboratory of Industrial Control. It is for this reason that the bank must accomplish to be an element that helps the learning process control and the application of industrial equipment and software. This paper is divided into four chapters described below. The first chapter is the description and analyses of each of the equipment components, ie all devices that make up the test. As the main element is the compact Mitsubishi FX3G controller. To control position, the Servo Amplifier MR-JN-10A by the HF-KN13 AC engine and finally used as a User Interface a color touchscreen, also Mitsubishi, model GT55. The second chapter includes two elements, the first is design 3D assembly of the components in the bank and the second element is between these components. The beginner design shows the test assembly with the connected components and the flywheel which is the AC motor load. The second part shows in detail the connection for communication with the servo motor controller, the motor and screen, respectevely. The third chapter details how to connect each component in the bank with the computer for proper communication. First part with the controller and as is connected via micro-USB connection. Then it described as the servo amplifier to a computer for configuration and connection is connected to the controller. Finally the same is done with the screen, first by communicating with the computer and then connecting to the controller, also through a micro-USB. The fourth chapter describes how the test, starting from their characteristics, performance and tests to check their performance behaves. The main thing in this chapter is the detailed documentation of the program conducted to test various functions of test the AC motor for positioning and movement of the inertia disc. The report concludes with a chapter devoted to the analysis of the results and conclusions regarding the work done, and possible future work are provided.Thesis BENCH-MARKING OF TRADITIONAL CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS AND CHAOS-BASED ALGORITHMS(2016) Koscina Bobadilla, Mirko Zvonimir; Caragata , Daniel; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICASECURITY is one of the most popular concepts used in the IT industry nowadays. Due to the proliferation of smart devices, internet consumption, social networks and new communication apps; users have been requesting new security services that ensure a minimum level of confidentiality at the moment to share information between them by using phone call, text message, voice message and images. This has become especially important for image sharing, due to the high level of private information which usually have. For this purposes, the researchers have been proposing novel encryption methods, which fulfill with the minimum security level required, but at the same time be optimal in speed performance. However, there are no comparative studies about the security and performance of chaos-based cryptosystems with traditional encryption schemes for high loaded data ciphering, that conclude which one is the suitable option for this purposes. This thesis present to the scientific community an holistic study about chaosbased cryptosystems with DNA operations and traditional symmetric encryption schemes. This work consist in the implementation of 10 chaos-based encryption algorithms with DNA operations in Matlab, in order to evaluate and compare their security properties and performance with the two most used symmetric encryption schemes, AES and 3DES. The scope of the analysis presented in this study is based on the application of these cipher schemes for image encryption purposes. This thesis is structured in five chapters. We begin in Chapter 1 describing a brief context about cryptography and how this discipline have been evolving through the pass of the years. In Chapter 2, we present the main characteristic of AES and 3DES, and then we describe the encryption process and the operation modes with which both algorithms can works. In Chapter 3, a basic background of dynamical system is introduced, including their definition, properties and behavior, to later describe what is chaos and their application forencryption purposes. In Chapter 4 we present the methodology of the benchmarking and the result obtained from the simulations. Finally, in Chapter 5 the conclusions of this work are presented.Thesis CARACTERIZACIÓN DE UN AMPLIFICADOR DE FIBRA ÓPTICA RAMAN DISTRIBUIDO Y CONTROL DE TRANSIENTES DE POTENCIA EN UN AMPLIFICADOR DE FIBRA DOPADA CON ERBIO MEDIANTE EMISIÓN LÁSER"(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2015) GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ, ANDRÉS FREDY; GÓMEZ GONZÁLEZ, ANDRÉS FREDY; OLIVARES VÉLIZ, RICARDO ALBERTO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; GROTE HAHN, WALTERThis report presents a characterization of a distributed Raman fiber amplifier (DFRA), through computer simulation and laboratory test. It also presents a study of the control of power transients in erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA), in addition to theoretical and experimental results of the application of the technique of control of transientes using laser emission. The work done with DFRAs allowed to demonstrate less degradation of the signal to noise ratio, as low pumping efficiency of these amplifiers, in relation to the EDFAs. The surviving channels at the output of an EDFA subjected to add/drop of channels, it experience power excursions that increase with the pump power of the EDFA. Power excursions could be controlled by laser emission, through the feeding back of an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise signal, from the output to the input of the EDFA, thereby reducing the excursions from 5 dB to 0.2 dB. The optical feedback causes the appearance of relaxation oscillations whose frequency and intensity strongly depends on the amount of attenuation in the feedback and the pumping power in the amplifier.Thesis COMPARACIÓN DE LA EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA DE ACCIONAMIENTOS DE VELOCIDAD VARIABLE. UTILIZANDO MOTORES SINCRÓNICO DE RELUCTANCIA Y DE INDUCCIÓN(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) VALENZUELA OSORIO, FERNANDO ANDRÉS; SILVA JIMENEZ, CÉSAR ARMANDO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICAThe project aims to estimate the energy efficiency of an induction motor and a SynRM, each operating in conjunction with its corresponding driver, relying on mathematical models describing systems in transient and stationary states, which will be implemented computationally using a simulation software. Since models are implemented for the whole of each motor and its corresponding driver performance, simulations are performed by PLECS software, which lets you view and make measurements both of each of the parties as a complete system, allowing cherishing using different tools losses that occur in both the driver and the electric motor. From the results of the simulations, which of the analyzed turns out to be more efficient systems is determined, then carry out an economic evaluation of each and determine which of them is the most convenient option to be implemented in a given project. In terms of results, from the point of view of energy efficiency have been obtained very similar to those presented by the manufacturer in the data sheets of the machines results, having better efficiencies in the case of system with engine SynRM despite that losses in the inverter may be larger than for the case of the induction machine for a certain range of operation. However, under the economic perspective it can be seen that the alternative of using systems with SynRM engines is not as attractive from a financial point of view, because the savings of money for improvements in energy efficiency are marginal compared to the price difference between both engines today. Despite this, by projecting these marginal to a macro scale energy savings, significant contributions to reduce energy demand in the world and indirectly contribute in reducing environmental pollution can be made.Thesis COMPARACIÓN DE SISTEMA SOLAR TÉRMICO CON SOLAR FOTOVOLTAICO PARA REGULAR TEMPERATURA DE ELECTROLITO EN SISTEMA DE ELECTRORREFINACIÓN DE METALES(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2015) SOTOMAYOR GONZALEZ, CLAUDIO ANDRÉS; KOURO RENAER, SAMIR FELIPE; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; ROJAS MONRROY, CHRISTIANCHILE is a country whose incomes are obtained mainly from mining process, where the electrore ning plant is part of the productive process. Conventionally, this process depends on the energy obtained directly from the AC main. An important part of the energy is used to heat the electrolytic solution, due to it requires a constant temperature to optimize the copper extraction through the electrolisis process. The reached development in the use of renewable energy and its cost reduction, particulary in solar energy is high in the last years. Furthermore, most of electrore ning plants are located in the north of Chile, where the irradiance levels are very high. For those reasons, fed these types of plants with solar energy may be result a bene t to the mining industry and a reduction of foil combustibles and its eects. This research proposes an electrore ning plant fed by solar modules to heat the electrolitic solution in parallel to the Ac main, where the modelling of the thermal plant and electronic solar plant is needed. The use of power converters allow to obtain the maximum power from the solar modules, furthermore to heat the solution is needed only DC current, then the possibility to use only dc-dc converters can reduce the looses avoiding the use of bulky transformers, recti ers and transmissions lines.Thesis COMPENSACIÓN DE GHOSTING DE UN SISTEMA DE VISUALIZACIÓN INTERACTIVO MULTI-UTILISADOR(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) JORQUERA MARTÍNEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO; JORQUERA MARTÍNEZ, JOSÉ ANTONIO; ZUÑIGA BARRAZA, MARCOS; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; CARAGATA , DANIELIn this thesis the main goal is to analyse and to design an effective solution to compensate the crosstalk phenomenon and to eliminate the ghosting effect, in a multi-user interactive view system. The multi-user interactive view system, used in this thesis, can proyect a maximum of four video channels in a single screen. By using the maximum capacity of the system, there are two possible configurations: four 2D channels or two 3D channels. For making a projection of multiple streams of video, an effective separation of the channels is required. This separation is generally not perfect, causing some unwanted events, such as crosstalk phenomenon. The crosstalk between the images leads to an effect called ghosting, where the user perceives a low intensity image that belongs to the other chanel. The proposed and developed solution is the ghostbusting, which is a processing of streams video before there projection. Taking advantage of the phenomenon of crosstalk, ghostbusting induces a distortion in the images, to eliminate the ghosting effect. This solution is developed for four channels, deducing a mathematical model, which is then implemented in a software, so that it is a solution non-invasive to hardware. Acording to the validation tets to the system, the ghostbusting technique achieves the main goal of eliminating the ghosting effect, in the four channel system. Nevertheless, the system introduces the collateral effect of the perceptible loss of contrast in the images, by the viewer.Thesis CONFIGURACIÓN MULTINIVEL DE MEDIA TENSIÓN PARA SISTEMAS DE CONVERSIÓN DE ENERGÍA MARINA(2013) Müller Pollmann, Nicolás Pablo; Kouro Renaer, Samir Felipe; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICALa disminucion de las reservas de combustibles fosiles, la contaminacion ambiental, el creciente aumento de la demanda electrica entre otros factores, han impulsado la investigacion y desarrollo de sistemas de conversion basados en Energas Renovables No Convencionales (ERNCs). Dentro de las ERNCs, la energa marina del oleaje destaca debido a la cantidad y disponibilidad del recurso. La gran mayora de los sistemas de generacion olamotriz estan conformados por arreglos de unidades generadoras de bajo voltaje y baja potencia. Los cuales inyectan a la red electrica potencia en el orden de los mega watts. La solucion actual a este problema consiste en utilizar, por cada unidad generadora, un convertidor fuente de voltaje de dos niveles en con guracion espalda con espalda. Los convertidores son conectados a la red electrica, en media tension, a traves de un transformador con alta tasa de elevacion. En esta tesis de grado se proponen dos con guraciones capaces de interconectar sistemas de conversion de energa marina, basados en multiples generadores, a la red electrica. Para ello se utiliza un convertidor o \Power Unit"por generador (puente de diodos completo + boost) y un unico convertidor multinivel para el lado de la red (NPC o CHB). De esta forma se tienen convertidores economicos al lado del generador y las ventajas propias de los convertidores multinivel en el convertidor de la red. Las con guraciones propuestas son reguladas mediante lazos de control, los cuales independizan al convertidor de la red del convertidor del generador. Este ultimo es implementado en simulacion por medio de un controlador PI externo, utilizado para controlar la velocidad del PMSG y un lazo interno de control por histeresis para regular la corriente por el Boost. Para la obtencion de resultados experimentales ambos lazos, externo e interno, utilizan controladores PI y modulaci on PWM. La estrategia de control del convertidor de la red corresponde a Control Orientado por Voltaje. El cual contiene en su etapa de modulacion una estrategia de regulacion de desbalances en el DC-link. Se prueban ambas con guraciones en condiciones adversas, simulando desbalances en las potencias de entrada al dispositivo. De esta forma las con - guraciones son validadas mediante simulacion. La con guracion basada en el convertidor NPC es validada tambien de forma experimental. Para ello fue necesario dise~nar, construir y probar los convertidores de esta con guracion.Thesis CONSTRUCCIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE UN AMPLIFICADOR DE FIBRA ÓPTICA HÍBRIDO: EDFA . DFRA(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2015) RAMOS MUÑOZ, EVANDRY PATRICIA; RAMOS MUÑOZ, EVANDRY PATRICIA; OLIVARES VÉLIZ, RICARDO ALBERTO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; GROTE HAHN, WALTERIn this work is characterized the performance of a hybrid optic ampli er composed by an EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Ampli er) and a DFRA (Distributed Fiber Raman Ampli er). The characterization is made through simulations that vary the con guration of the ampli er, the location of EDFA and DFRA in the hybrid ampli er, pump powers of each one of them, and lengths of the used bers, in order to determine the performance of this ampli er with dierent values of power of signal at input and number of channels to amplify, for to do comparisons as to gain and noise gure between them and with EDFA and DFRA acting separately. The ampli er is then constructed and measurements are made in the laboratory in the dierent con gurations to nally to compare the experimental results with simulated result and expected theoretical results.Thesis "CONTROL DE AMPLITUD PARA SISTEMA DE ÓPTICA ADAPTATIVA PARA LA ASTRONOMÍA EN LAZO CERRADO".(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) MARCHIONI CLAVERÍA, JOSÉ LUIS; MARCHIONI CLAVERÍA, JOSÉ LUIS; ESCARATE MONETTA, PEDRO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; YUZ EISSMANN, JUAN IGNACIO; AGÜERO VÁSQUEZ, JUAN CARLOSEste documento pretende desarrollar un algoritmo de control que permita corregir la amplitud de los sistema de guía laser artificiales, que se utilizan para sistemas de óptica adaptativa. Para ello, se inicia con los conceptos básicos de esta ciencia para luego terminar en las simulaciones que corroboren un buen desempeño del algoritmo. En el primer capítulo se introduce a los conceptos básicos que son necesario manejar para poder entender papers que se referencian en el estado del arte, que si bien no son utilizados porque no existe una etapa experimental, es vital para seguir el lineamiento del documento. En el segundo capítulo se expone el marco teórico sobre el cual se basan la mayoría del desarrollo que es implementado en el algoritmo. Es importante mencionar que se incluyen desde la teoría de los modelos de las perturbaciones, pasando por el control óptimo, modelo de control predictivo y problemas de optimización con restricciones. El tercer capítulo tiene la misión de crear un modelo que sea utilizado como planta, con el fin de determinar como es que se propagan las señales del láser en la atmósfera. En el cuarto capítulo se desarrolla el algoritmo de control que se basa en un controlador predictivo pero que busca por medio de la programación cuadrática resolver problemas con dinámicas más rápidas. En el quinto capítulo se presentan las simulaciones en las que se busca determinar los parámetros que cumplan con las especificaciones con el usuario, y probar que tan bueno es el desempeño del algoritmo. Por último en el capítulo seis se exponen las conclusiones y los trabajos futuros que deben ser considerados para la siguiente etapa experimental. También se exponen algunos trabajos futuros y algunos pendientes.Thesis CONTROL PREDICTIVO MULTIOBJETIVO DE UN CONVERTIDOR H-NPC TRIFÁSICO(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) ASTORGA CONCHA, JUAN PABLO; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; ROJAS MONRROY, CHRISTIAN; KOURO RENAER, SAMIR FELIPEThesis CONVERTIDOR DC-DC SUBMODULAR PARA MICROINVERSORES FOTOVOLTAICOS(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2015) FARÍAS VENEGAS, BERNARDO ANDRÉS; FARÍAS VENEGAS, BERNARDO ANDRÉS; KOURO RENAER, SAMIR FELIPE; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICAThe energy generation through photovoltaic panels is an issue that is becoming increasingly important in today’s society, year by year a higher percentage of energy is generated through this medium, it is why this work seeks to create a new topology with micro DC-DC converters for a modular sub-conventional design of the photovoltaic module connected to a micro-inverter to allow the network to subtract a greater amount of power from the photovoltaic module under various conditions of use. The developed sub-module topology has three LLC resonant converters connected to a set of 20 cells each, for a total of 60 cells that make up the module, which explains in detail the proper operation of the converter, parameter selection, method control and the MPPT algorithm used to show a simulation of the proposed configuration and results. Finally inserting the loss models of the components comparisons are made between the configuration in terms regarding the power supplied to the network, besides there is a comparison between other sub-modular converter topology but with a flyback converter as a DC-DC stage replacing the resonant LLC. This gives the results of the efficiency using both topologies and a comparison between them.Thesis CONVERTIDOR FOTOVOLTAICO DC-DC PARA LA INTERFAZ DIRECTA DE ENERGÍA CON EL PROCESO DE ELECTRODEFINICIÓN DE COBRE(2015) Castillo Parra, Paz Camila; Kouro Renaer, Samir Felipe; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICAESTE documento presenta la operacion de una planta de electrorre nacion con una interaccion directa con energa fotovoltaica dc-dc. Hoy en da, para alimentar una planta de electrorre nacion con paneles solares es necesario transformar la potencia PV a ac, y conectar en paralelo a la red en el punto de acople comun, esto implica un uso innecesario de convertidores de potencia dc-ac y transformadores reduciendo las potenciales perdidas en la transmision de energa. Diferentes con guraciones PV dc-dc son presentadas como alternativas para parcialmente alimentar el proceso de electrorre nacion. La con guracion propuesta nalmente esta basada en un sistema de conversion dc-dc multi-string que busca obtener el maximo punto de potencia para cada arreglo de paneles. La planta de electrorre nacion es alimentrada mediante convertidores aislados dcdc puente H entrelazados. La con guracion propuesta y el esquema de control fueron validados mediante los resultados de simulacion y corroborados obsercando la respuesta ante condiciones dinamicas. Ademas un setup experimental fue desarrollado para comparar los resultados con los obtenidos mediante las simulaciones.Thesis DESARROLLO DE ARQUITECTURA Y APLICACIÓN PARA SERVICIOS MULTI-TOUCH Y FIDUCIAL ORIENTADA A LA INTERACCIÓN GRUPAL Y COLABORATIVA(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2015) SKOLJAREV NAVARRO, NIKOLAS IVÁN; ZUÑIGA BARRAZA, MARCOS; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; GONZALEZ VALENZUELA, AGUSTINThe aim of this thesis work is to design and implement an architecture for integrating multi-user services through interaction with multi-touch surfaces and object recognition like the reacTable(1). The reacTables have the ability to capture the interaction of multiple users on a semi-translucent surface, projecting on said surface, allowing visual feedback. In this way, we intend to use this architecture for multiple users, collaboratively, to interact and share with a technological device. In particular this thesis work exposes the development of an application that allows to design urban spaces using touch gestures (rotate, move, scale) and tangible objects. The proposed system associates a fiducial (2) to an edit mode of urban space for viewing and editing a set of structures arranged on a “terrain” through tactile manipulation. A cross objective of this development is to re-think the way that we interact with technological devices. Promoting software development oriented to use a more intuitive interface interaction (Natural User Interface), consistent with the available technologies that are hoarding the market. Also, it pretends to create an instance of group interaction with a technological device, which brings benefits like a better collaborative experience that fosters learning and enriches the interaction with the technological device.Thesis DESARROLLO DE SISTEMA AUTOMATIZADO DE CAPTURA Y DIFUSIÓN POR INTERNET DE PRESENTACIONES EN LA UTFSM BASADO EN GALICASTER Y OPENCAST(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2016) LIRA DEL CANTO, MAXIMILIANO; GONZALEZ VALENZUELA, AGUSTIN; Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria UTFSM DEPARTAMENTO DE ELECTRONICA; MALONNEK WETZEL, RUDY SERGIO