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La presente memoria dará a conocer los tipos de Sondajes que ofrece la empresa Boart
Longyear Chile Limitada, para el rubro minero. Junto con esto, también se dará a conocer un
análisis comparativo entre las distintas disciplinas en cuanto a costos y rendimientos.
La empresa Boart Longyear Chile Limitada, nace de la fusión entre Connors S.A y Boart
Longyear T.M, empresas norteamericanas ligadas al rubro del Sondaje Minero. Estas empresas
llegan en el año 1981 a Chile, pero estando en el rubro en otros países desde hace mas de 40 años.
Por lo mismo, posee una vasta trayectoria en el rubro, posicionándola como la empresa N°1 a
nivel mundial en Sondajes para la minería. Dentro de los países en que se encuentra actualmente,
está Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Perú, EEUU, Canadá, Australia, Sudáfrica entre otros.
Para poder lograr su inserción en Chile, tuvo que adecuarse a la normativa que dicta el
SERNAGEOMIN, Ministerio del Trabajo y Ministerio de Salud en sus reglamentos para las
operaciones y cuidados del personal en jornadas laborales y trayectos. Estos decretos son el D.S.
132 (Seguridad Minera), Ley 18.248 (Código de Minería), Ley 16.744 (Accidentes Laborales y
Enfermedades Profesionales), entre otras.
Con respecto a la operación misma de Sondaje, se comienzan con Diamantes en primera
instancia, disciplina que se divide en Sondaje en Superficie y Sondaje Subterráneo, para luego
seguir con la disciplina de Aire Reverso (R.C.)
Luego, se realizara la comparación entre las disciplinas de Diamantina Superficie y Diamantina
Subterránea en todos los costos involucrados y procedimientos. Luego se realizara la comparación
entre Diamantina Superficie y Aire Reverso, tomando en cuenta los costos y procedimientos.
Finalmente se darán a conocer las conclusiones de la presente memoria, en donde se verán las
ventajas y desventaja al optar por cada uno de los tipos de sondajes evaluados.
This memory will be released Drilling rates offered by the Boart Longyear Company, to the mining industry. Along with this, also will release a comparative analysis between disciplines in terms of costs and efficiencies. Boart Longyear Company, born of the merger between Connors S.A and Boart Longyear T.M., U.S. companies linked to the heading of Mining Probing. These companies come in 1981 to Chile, but being in the business in others countries for over 40 years ago. Therefore, has extensive experience in the field, positioning it as the number 1 company worldwide for mining drilling. Among the countries that currently, this Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, among others. In order to achieve their into the Chile, had to conform to the rules dictated by the SERNAGEOMIN, Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Health in this regulations for the operation an care of staff working hours and routes. These decrees are the D.S. 132 (Mine Safety), Law 18.248 (Mining Code), Law 16.744 (Occupational Accidents and Diseases), among others. Whit respect to the operation itself drilling, they begin with diamond in the first instance, a discipline that is divided into Drilling Surface and Drilling Underground, an then, continue whit Drilling Reverse Circulation. Then, perform the comparison between the disciplines of Diamond Surface and Diamond Underground in all the costs involved and procedures. Then perform the comparison between Diamond Surface and Reverse Circulation, taking into accounts the costs and procedures. Finally, will present the findings of this report, where will the advantages and disadvantages in choosing each of the types of drilling disciplines.
This memory will be released Drilling rates offered by the Boart Longyear Company, to the mining industry. Along with this, also will release a comparative analysis between disciplines in terms of costs and efficiencies. Boart Longyear Company, born of the merger between Connors S.A and Boart Longyear T.M., U.S. companies linked to the heading of Mining Probing. These companies come in 1981 to Chile, but being in the business in others countries for over 40 years ago. Therefore, has extensive experience in the field, positioning it as the number 1 company worldwide for mining drilling. Among the countries that currently, this Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, among others. In order to achieve their into the Chile, had to conform to the rules dictated by the SERNAGEOMIN, Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Health in this regulations for the operation an care of staff working hours and routes. These decrees are the D.S. 132 (Mine Safety), Law 18.248 (Mining Code), Law 16.744 (Occupational Accidents and Diseases), among others. Whit respect to the operation itself drilling, they begin with diamond in the first instance, a discipline that is divided into Drilling Surface and Drilling Underground, an then, continue whit Drilling Reverse Circulation. Then, perform the comparison between the disciplines of Diamond Surface and Diamond Underground in all the costs involved and procedures. Then perform the comparison between Diamond Surface and Reverse Circulation, taking into accounts the costs and procedures. Finally, will present the findings of this report, where will the advantages and disadvantages in choosing each of the types of drilling disciplines.