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TurMec es una de las plantas productoras de cerveza más grande del mundo; una empresa multinacional que opera en más de 150 países alrededor del mundo y Chile no es la excepción. Su sucursal chilena funciona bajo el nombre de Cervecería TMC desde 1993, y se encarga de la producción tanto de marcas nacionales como internacionales.
La planta cuenta con distintas áreas que cumplen con las funciones industriales desde la recepción de materias primas hasta la logística de los productos terminados. Una de las áreas más importantes, el núcleo de la fábrica es la de Elaboración y Servicios (EyS), que se encarga del proceso cervecero directo de las marcas antes mencionadas. Esta área cuenta con una planta de suministros de servicios industriales, suministros que facilitan y hacen posible la producción de cerveza. Los servicios incluyen; la generación de vapor, generación de aire comprimido, captación y tratamiento de CO2, y generación de frío (mediante ciclo de amoniaco).
En el último tiempo, la planta se ha visto sujeta a cambios de infraestructura y layout radicales. Con la incorporación de nuevas miniplantas y equipos se espera que se logre un aumento en la producción de hasta el 300%. Estos cambios han afectado a todas las áreas, incluyendo al área de Servicios, y es razón por la cual se genera una oportunidad para realizar un plan de adaptación y mejora de las actuales políticas de mantenimiento que rigen al área.
A raíz de los cambios a los cuales se vio sometida la planta de generación de servicios es que se decide realizar un estudio sobre la actual estrategia de mantenimiento, evaluar las actuales estrategias y técnicas que se aplican en los equipos del área, y dar inicio al proceso de implementación de enfoques de mantenimiento que garanticen no solo el correcto cumplimiento de normas que otorgan altos estándares de mantenimiento enfocados en RCM y TPM, sino que también aseguran el cumplimento de las normas de seguridad internas de la misma planta para sus trabajadores.
El presente estudio se realiza en base a una simulación de las condiciones de funcionamiento y falla que pueden ocurrir en una fábrica convencional. Es a partir de esta información que se realiza el estudio de mejora para identificar las oportunidades de mejoramiento y se gestan las correspondientes propuestas
TurMec is the largest brewing company in the world, it is a multinational company spanning over 150 countries worldwide, and Chile is no exception. The Chilean firm operates by the name Cerveceria TMC since 1993 and it is responsible for the production of its local and international brands. The factory has a variety of areas which meet with the different industrial functions from receiving raw material to take over the logistics of the finished products. One of the most important area, the core of the company, is the Brewing area which is responsible for the direct brewing processes of the aforementioned brands. This part of the plant counts with an additional area of industrial services which facilitates and makes possible the brewing process. These utilities include steam generation, compressed air generation, capture and treatment of CO2, and cold generation (through ammonia closed cycle). Over the las few years, the factory has been subjected to radical infrastructural and layout changes. Along with the inclusion of new mini-plants and equipment it is expected to achieve an increase up to 300% of the current production. These changes have had an important impact on every area, including the Utilities one, and that is why a maintenance-policy-adapting-and-improvement-plan-realization opportunity has risen for the area. Due to the aforementioned changes to the Utilities sector, it is decided to carry out a study over the current maintenance policy, assess the existing techniques and tactics applied to the equipment and lead off to a new maintenance approach implementation process that will not only guarantee the proper compliance of high maintenance standard norms focused on RCM and TPM, but will assure the inner safety policy of the plant, and compliance for its own workers. The present study is conducted via a simulation-based gathering of data from any failure and functioning conditions that may be observed inside a traditional factory-like system. From that data, a continuous improvement study may be executed in order to identify any improvement opportunity and come up with the corresponding proposals
TurMec is the largest brewing company in the world, it is a multinational company spanning over 150 countries worldwide, and Chile is no exception. The Chilean firm operates by the name Cerveceria TMC since 1993 and it is responsible for the production of its local and international brands. The factory has a variety of areas which meet with the different industrial functions from receiving raw material to take over the logistics of the finished products. One of the most important area, the core of the company, is the Brewing area which is responsible for the direct brewing processes of the aforementioned brands. This part of the plant counts with an additional area of industrial services which facilitates and makes possible the brewing process. These utilities include steam generation, compressed air generation, capture and treatment of CO2, and cold generation (through ammonia closed cycle). Over the las few years, the factory has been subjected to radical infrastructural and layout changes. Along with the inclusion of new mini-plants and equipment it is expected to achieve an increase up to 300% of the current production. These changes have had an important impact on every area, including the Utilities one, and that is why a maintenance-policy-adapting-and-improvement-plan-realization opportunity has risen for the area. Due to the aforementioned changes to the Utilities sector, it is decided to carry out a study over the current maintenance policy, assess the existing techniques and tactics applied to the equipment and lead off to a new maintenance approach implementation process that will not only guarantee the proper compliance of high maintenance standard norms focused on RCM and TPM, but will assure the inner safety policy of the plant, and compliance for its own workers. The present study is conducted via a simulation-based gathering of data from any failure and functioning conditions that may be observed inside a traditional factory-like system. From that data, a continuous improvement study may be executed in order to identify any improvement opportunity and come up with the corresponding proposals