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El presente informe entregará una propuesta de estrategias para implementar en diversas empresas sin la especificación de su rubro, con el fin de prevenir y mitigar riesgos psicosociales en base a los conceptos de Capitalismo Consciente y normas asociadas con el capital humano. Además, se entregará oportunidades de mejora del Cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS21 para que los resultados sean más específicos y certeros. Para cumplir con este objetivo, se dividió la investigación en las siguientes partes, las cuales son la realización de un estudio de la situación actual en Chile con respecto a Salud Mental y riesgos psicosociales, sus definiciones y evolución en el tiempo, Teoría de motivación de Maslow y de los dos factores de Herzberg, Capitalismo Consciente y normas asociadas con el capital humano.
En el pasado hablar de salud mental era imposible, recién en 1968 con la ley N°16.744 se comienzan a reconocer la existencia de patologías mentales atribuibles al trabajo que pueden conllevar a consecuencias fatales para el trabajador. En 2019 la Encuesta Nacional de Salud postula que Chile es el segundo país con más años perdidos por discapacidad en un 36% y tercero por discapacidad y muerte prematura en un 21%. Con la llegada del virus COVID-19 se tuvo que enfrentar diversos desafíos para poder adaptarse a este nuevo contexto de crisis sanitaria, en 2021 un estudio realizado por la Asociación Chilena de Seguridad y la Universidad Católica de Chile arroja un aumento de las personas que presentaron síntomas asociados a problemas de salud mental y que han experimentado síntomas de depresión con respecto al año anterior, en un 32,8% y 46,7% respectivamente.
Al hablar de riesgos psicosociales, en 2021 la Superintendencia de Seguridad Social publicó un estudio con la aplicación de Cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS21 en 1.393 empresas chilenas durante el año 2020, el cual arrojó que la dimensión que concentró mayor proporción de centros de trabajo en alto riesgo fue la de Compensaciones que mide la inestabilidad en las condiciones de empleo y trabajo con 53,7%, la segunda dimensión en mayor riesgo es la de Apoyo social en la empresa y la calidad de liderazgo con un 18% que mide la relación de los empleados con sus superiores y con compañeros de trabajo.
Debido al objetivo del informe es que se necesita estudiar los conceptos de motivación y satisfacción laboral, tipos de riesgos psicosociales, Cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS21, Capitalismo Consciente y normas ISO asociadas al tema central tales como 9001, 22316 y 45001. Estos conceptos junto con las normas serán clave a la hora de elaboración de estrategias para la prevención y mitigación de riesgos psicosociales, ya que serán la base de los principios en los cuales las empresas deben sostenerse.
Este estudio se basó en la recopilación de ocho memorias de estudiantes de la Universidad Técnica Santa María que utilizaron el Cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS21 de cuatro rubros diferentes, estos son de transporte, construcción, retail y educación (dos informes por cada rubro) con el fin de observar que resultados se obtienen. En primer lugar, las de transporte coinciden que la dimensión de Apoyo social en la empresa y calidad de liderazgo tiene un estado de riesgo alto (más del 50% de las respuestas de los trabajadores la consideran como riesgo alto). En cuanto a las de construcción se desprende que las dimensiones más preocupantes son las de Compensaciones y Doble presencia. Con respecto a las de retail, no coinciden en ninguna dimensión de riesgo alto, pero de igual forma presentan situaciones desfavorables. Finalmente, las de educación se asemejan en que la dimensión que presenta un mayor riesgo para las empresas es la de Apoyo social en la empresa y calidad de liderazgo.
Se observa que no existe ninguna dimensión en estado de riesgo alto para todas las empresas, pero se obtuvo que, de las ocho organizaciones, un 50% consideran que las dimensiones de Doble presencia, y Apoyo social y calidad de liderazgo se encuentran en un estado de riesgo alto. El 37,5% y 25% de las empresas consideran que tienen un estado de riesgo alto en las dimensiones de Compensaciones y Exigencias psicológicas, respectivamente. En cambio, en la de Trabajo activo y desarrollo de habilidades un 62,5% de las empresas la consideran como riesgo bajo, dentro de las cuales un 60% arrojó que era factor protector (este se obtiene cuando más del 50% de las respuestas de los trabajadores la consideran como riesgo bajo). A continuación, se puede observar esta información con más detalle en la siguiente tabla:
Luego de analizar estos resultados, se lograron encontrar oportunidades de mejora sobre el Cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS21 versión breve, algunas de estas son: no entrega un análisis detallado de las subdimensiones ya que no posee una tabla de rangos de puntajes que permita un criterio uniforme para la clasificación de niveles de riesgo, la mala formulación de preguntas, tal como la N°19, que puede generar más de una interpretación por no estar enfocada en lo que se quiere medir, entre otras.
Con respecto a las estrategias propuestas para cumplir con el objetivo central, se propone primero que las empresas sigan un proceso base el que está definido en las siguientes etapas: definición de objetivos que generen valor a la sociedad, analizar el contexto de la organización, donde se identifiquen riesgos y oportunidades para luego buscar estrategias que ayuden a potenciar o mitigar los aspectos positivos y negativos, respectivamente, con esto ya definido, se debe generar una política de calidad y, de seguridad y salud en el trabajo comprometiéndose a la mejora continua en actividades y procesos que involucre tanto a los productos y/o servicios como de las condiciones laborales. Posteriormente se deben implementar las estrategias sugeridas y utilizar de herramientas complementarias que puedan medir el impacto de las medidas implementadas, si es que los resultados obtenidos no cumplen con los objetivos de la empresa, se debe volver a analizar los aspectos internos y externos y hacer el proceso otra vez.
Se propusieron estrategias por cada dimensión del Cuestionario SUSESO/ISTAS21 las cuales fueron asociadas a conceptos estudiados en este estudio, estos son el Capitalismo Consciente y las Normas ISO 9001:2015, 22316:2017 Y 45001:2018. Estas estrategias son:
Para más detalles de la investigación y los análisis realizados, se puede revisar el desarrollo de la presente memoria.
This report will deliver a proposal for strategies to be implemented in various companies without specifying their category, in order to prevent and mitigate psychosocial risks based on the concepts of Conscious Capitalism and norms associated with human capital. In addition, opportunities to improve the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire will be provided so that the results are more specific and accurate. To meet this objective, the research was divided into the following parts, which are the realization of a study of the current situation in Chile with respect to Mental Health and psychosocial risks, their definitions and evolution over time, Theory of motivation of Maslow and Herzberg's two factors, Conscious Capitalism and norms associated with human capital. In the past, talking about mental health was impossible. It was not until 1968, with Law No. 16,744, that the existence of work-attributable mental pathologies that could lead to fatal consequences for the worker began to be recognized. In 2019, the National Health Survey postulates that Chile is the second country with the most years lost due to disability at 36% and third due to disability and premature death at 21%. With the arrival of the COVID-19 virus, various challenges had to be faced in order to adapt to this new context of health crisis. In 2021, a study carried out by the Chilean Security Association and the Catholic University of Chile shows an increase in the number of people who presented symptoms associated with mental health problems and who have experienced symptoms of depression compared to the previous year, by 32.8% and 46.7%, respectively. When talking about psychosocial risks, in 2021 the Superintendence of Social Security published a study with the application of the SUSESO/ISTAS Questionnaire21 in 1,393 Chilean companies during the year 2020, which showed that the dimension that concentrated the highest proportion of work centers at high risk was Compensation, which measures instability in employment and work conditions, with 53.7%; the second dimension at greatest risk is Social support in the company and leadership quality, with 18%, which measures the relationship between employees with their superiors and co-workers. Due to the objective of the report, it is necessary to study the concepts of motivation and job satisfaction, types of psychosocial risks, SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire, Conscious Capitalism and ISO standards associated with the central theme such as 9001, 22316 and 45001. These concepts together with the Standards will be key when developing strategies for the prevention and mitigation of psychosocial risks, since they will be the basis of the principles on which companies must support themselves. This study was based on the compilation of eight reports from students of the Santa María Technical University who used the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire from four different areas, these are transportation, construction, retail and education (two reports for each area) in order to see what results are obtained. In the first place, those of transport agree that the dimension of Social support in the company and leadership quality has a high risk status (more than 50% of the answers of the workers consider it as high risk). Regarding construction, it appears that the most worrying dimensions are Compensation and Double presence. With respect to retail, they do not coincide in any dimension of high risk, but they also present unfavorable situations. Finally, those of education are similar in that the dimension that presents a greater risk for companies is that of Social support in the company and quality of leadership. It is observed that there is no dimension in a state of high risk for all the companies, but it was obtained that, of the eight organizations, 50% consider that the dimensions of Double presence, and Social support and leadership quality are in a state of high risk. high risk. 37.5% and 25% of the companies consider that they have a high risk status in the dimensions of Compensation and Psychological Demands, respectively. On the other hand, in Active work and skills development, 62.5% of the companies consider it a low risk, among which 60% stated that it was a protective factor (this is obtained when more than 50% of the answers of workers consider it a low risk). This information can be seen in more detail in the following table: After analyzing these results, it was possible to find opportunities for improvement on the short version of the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire, some of which are: it does not provide a detailed analysis of the subdimensions since it does not have a table of score ranges that allows a uniform criterion for the classification of risk levels, the poor formulation of questions, such as No. 19, which can generate more than one interpretation because it is not focused on what is to be measured, among others. Regarding the strategies proposed to meet the central objective, it is first proposed that companies follow a basic process which is defined in the following stages: definition of objectives that generate value for society, analyze the context of the organization, where risks and opportunities are identified and then seek strategies that help enhance or mitigate the positive and negative aspects, respectively, with this already defined, a quality and occupational health and safety policy must be generated, committing to continuous improvement in activities and processes that involve both products and/or services and working conditions. Subsequently, the suggested strategies should be implemented, and complementary tools used that can measure the impact of the implemented measures, if the results obtained do not meet the company's objectives, the internal and external aspects should be re-analyzed and the process again. Strategies were proposed for each dimension of the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire, which were associated with concepts studied in this study, these are Conscious Capitalism and ISO 9001:2015, 22316:2017 and 45001:2018 Standards. These strategies are: For more details of the research and the analyzes carried out, you can review the development of this report.
This report will deliver a proposal for strategies to be implemented in various companies without specifying their category, in order to prevent and mitigate psychosocial risks based on the concepts of Conscious Capitalism and norms associated with human capital. In addition, opportunities to improve the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire will be provided so that the results are more specific and accurate. To meet this objective, the research was divided into the following parts, which are the realization of a study of the current situation in Chile with respect to Mental Health and psychosocial risks, their definitions and evolution over time, Theory of motivation of Maslow and Herzberg's two factors, Conscious Capitalism and norms associated with human capital. In the past, talking about mental health was impossible. It was not until 1968, with Law No. 16,744, that the existence of work-attributable mental pathologies that could lead to fatal consequences for the worker began to be recognized. In 2019, the National Health Survey postulates that Chile is the second country with the most years lost due to disability at 36% and third due to disability and premature death at 21%. With the arrival of the COVID-19 virus, various challenges had to be faced in order to adapt to this new context of health crisis. In 2021, a study carried out by the Chilean Security Association and the Catholic University of Chile shows an increase in the number of people who presented symptoms associated with mental health problems and who have experienced symptoms of depression compared to the previous year, by 32.8% and 46.7%, respectively. When talking about psychosocial risks, in 2021 the Superintendence of Social Security published a study with the application of the SUSESO/ISTAS Questionnaire21 in 1,393 Chilean companies during the year 2020, which showed that the dimension that concentrated the highest proportion of work centers at high risk was Compensation, which measures instability in employment and work conditions, with 53.7%; the second dimension at greatest risk is Social support in the company and leadership quality, with 18%, which measures the relationship between employees with their superiors and co-workers. Due to the objective of the report, it is necessary to study the concepts of motivation and job satisfaction, types of psychosocial risks, SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire, Conscious Capitalism and ISO standards associated with the central theme such as 9001, 22316 and 45001. These concepts together with the Standards will be key when developing strategies for the prevention and mitigation of psychosocial risks, since they will be the basis of the principles on which companies must support themselves. This study was based on the compilation of eight reports from students of the Santa María Technical University who used the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire from four different areas, these are transportation, construction, retail and education (two reports for each area) in order to see what results are obtained. In the first place, those of transport agree that the dimension of Social support in the company and leadership quality has a high risk status (more than 50% of the answers of the workers consider it as high risk). Regarding construction, it appears that the most worrying dimensions are Compensation and Double presence. With respect to retail, they do not coincide in any dimension of high risk, but they also present unfavorable situations. Finally, those of education are similar in that the dimension that presents a greater risk for companies is that of Social support in the company and quality of leadership. It is observed that there is no dimension in a state of high risk for all the companies, but it was obtained that, of the eight organizations, 50% consider that the dimensions of Double presence, and Social support and leadership quality are in a state of high risk. high risk. 37.5% and 25% of the companies consider that they have a high risk status in the dimensions of Compensation and Psychological Demands, respectively. On the other hand, in Active work and skills development, 62.5% of the companies consider it a low risk, among which 60% stated that it was a protective factor (this is obtained when more than 50% of the answers of workers consider it a low risk). This information can be seen in more detail in the following table: After analyzing these results, it was possible to find opportunities for improvement on the short version of the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire, some of which are: it does not provide a detailed analysis of the subdimensions since it does not have a table of score ranges that allows a uniform criterion for the classification of risk levels, the poor formulation of questions, such as No. 19, which can generate more than one interpretation because it is not focused on what is to be measured, among others. Regarding the strategies proposed to meet the central objective, it is first proposed that companies follow a basic process which is defined in the following stages: definition of objectives that generate value for society, analyze the context of the organization, where risks and opportunities are identified and then seek strategies that help enhance or mitigate the positive and negative aspects, respectively, with this already defined, a quality and occupational health and safety policy must be generated, committing to continuous improvement in activities and processes that involve both products and/or services and working conditions. Subsequently, the suggested strategies should be implemented, and complementary tools used that can measure the impact of the implemented measures, if the results obtained do not meet the company's objectives, the internal and external aspects should be re-analyzed and the process again. Strategies were proposed for each dimension of the SUSESO/ISTAS21 Questionnaire, which were associated with concepts studied in this study, these are Conscious Capitalism and ISO 9001:2015, 22316:2017 and 45001:2018 Standards. These strategies are: For more details of the research and the analyzes carried out, you can review the development of this report.