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La industria minera desde 1800 es masificada por la llegada de la electricidad y hasta hoy en día se ha convertido en la principal fuente de ingresos del país; provocando así que sea una de las actividades más importantes a nivel nacional. Este negocio minero es una actividad fundamental y en la que Chile destaca por la cantidad de yacimientos mineros dentro del territorio, convirtiéndose así en líder a nivel mundial. Por esta y más razones es por lo que siempre se busca la innovación para procesar minerales de manera eficaz y con menos costos de procesamiento. Esto dado que, primero que todo, los minerales son un material limitado y además porque los insumos mineros que son mayoritariamente utilizados en la industria son muy caros. Actualmente, dado el alto precio del cobre se optan a técnicas como procesar minerales que tienen baja ley que estaban en botaderos o ideas que anteriormente no estaban consideradas, como el procesamiento de relaves. En este estudio se evalúa la rentabilidad económica de procesar un mineral artificial encontrado en un relave, llamado sal amoniacal; además, se escogen dos métodos prometedores por los cual recuperar su contenido de cobre. Como resultado se obtiene que el método de cementación es el más adecuado para la recuperación del metal de interés, dado que el mineral posee muchas impurezas para procesarlo por electroobtención; y en la rentabilidad de este proceso se opta por poner dos casos de estudio en el cual los altos niveles de inversión provocan que este tipo de procesamiento no sea rentable en ningún caso, provocando pérdidas de 9 y 2,5 millones de dólares en cada caso, respectivamente.
The mining industry since 1800 is massified by the arrival of electricity and until today it has become the main source of revenue for the country, making it one of the most important activities at the national level. This mining business is a fundamental activity in which Chile stands out for mining deposits inside of the territory, becoming a world leader. For this and more reasons is why innovation is always looked for to process minerals in an efficient way and with less processing costs. Because minerals are a limited material and because the mining inputs that are mostly used in the industry are very expensive. Currently, given the high price of copper, techniques such as processing low-grade ores that were in dumps or ideas that were not previously considered, such as tailings processing, are being used. This study evaluates the economic viability of processing an artificial mineral found in a tailing, called ammoniacal salt; considering two methods to recover the copper content. As a result it is obtained that the cementation method is the most appropriate because is possible recovery of the metal of interest, given that the mineral has many impurities to process it by electrowinning; and in the rentability of this process it is chosen to put two cases of study in which the high levels of investment cause that this type of processing is not profitable in any case, causing losses of 9 and 2.5 million dollars in each case respectively.
The mining industry since 1800 is massified by the arrival of electricity and until today it has become the main source of revenue for the country, making it one of the most important activities at the national level. This mining business is a fundamental activity in which Chile stands out for mining deposits inside of the territory, becoming a world leader. For this and more reasons is why innovation is always looked for to process minerals in an efficient way and with less processing costs. Because minerals are a limited material and because the mining inputs that are mostly used in the industry are very expensive. Currently, given the high price of copper, techniques such as processing low-grade ores that were in dumps or ideas that were not previously considered, such as tailings processing, are being used. This study evaluates the economic viability of processing an artificial mineral found in a tailing, called ammoniacal salt; considering two methods to recover the copper content. As a result it is obtained that the cementation method is the most appropriate because is possible recovery of the metal of interest, given that the mineral has many impurities to process it by electrowinning; and in the rentability of this process it is chosen to put two cases of study in which the high levels of investment cause that this type of processing is not profitable in any case, causing losses of 9 and 2.5 million dollars in each case respectively.