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En el presente documento se muestra el desarrollo de un estudio sobre la factibilidad técnica del hidrógeno verde, como fuente de combustible para locomotoras de carga del norte de Chile. Esto se llevó a cabo, en primer lugar, por medio de un estudio bibliográfico acerca del contexto existente a nivel nacional e internacional sobre de este tema, para hacer una revisión de los proyectos que ya están puestos en marcha como otros que se tienen pensado concretar en un futuro próximo, todo esto con el objetivo de contar con un respaldo que aclare si es realmente posible la opción de realizar la implementación de tal tecnología con éxito en el país, lo cual resultó que si, en base a lo revisado. Una vez que se contó con esa seguridad, se procedió a estudiar en profundidad las tecnologías en las que se aplica el hidrógeno verde y uno de sus derivados, el metanol verde, específicamente en locomotoras de carga, para conocer la estructura interna y principio de funcionamiento de cada una. Luego de contar con los conocimientos de base se procedió a idear un plan para la transformación de una locomotora diésel a una de hidrógeno y metanol, todo esto aplicado a una flota de locomotoras pertenecientes a la empresa FCAB, lugar donde se desarrolló este proyecto de investigación, sin embargo, el fin es generar una orientación general para cualquier locomotora que funcione a base de diésel y se quiera efectuar el cambio. Para lograr esto se realizaron diferentes análisis, a nivel técnico, energético, económico y de emisiones, siendo estos dos últimos factores proyectados al 2050, además de realizar una estimación sobre la demanda tanto de hidrógeno como de metanol, para lograr abastecer a todo el sistema ferroviario de la zona norte en caso de querer dar el paso a la transformación, puesto que de esta forma se tendrá una visión más amplia y generalizada acerca del tema, que ayude a tomar la mejor determinación.
This document shows the development of a study on the technical feasibility of green hydrogen as a fuel source for freight locomotives in northern Chile. This took place in first place by means of a bibliographical study on the existing national and international context on this subject to make a review of the projects that are already in operation like others that are planned to materialize in the near future, all this with the aim of having a backup to clarify whether it is really possible to implement such technology successfully in the country which turned out to be based on the review. Once that security was available we studied deeply the technologies where the green hydrogen and green methanol were applied, specifically on freight locomotives to know the internal structure and operating principle of each one. After having the basic knowledge we proceeded to devise a plan for the transformation of a diesel locomotive to one of hydrogen and methanol all this applied to a fleet of locomotives belonging to the company FCAB, company where this research project was developed, however the purpose of this Project is to generate a general orientation for any diesel locomotive and wants to make the change. To achieve this different technical, energy, economic and emissions analyses were carried out, being these two last factors projected to 2050, also to make an estimation on the demand of hydrogen and methanol to supply the entire northern railway system in case of want to make the transition, because in this way we will have a broader and more generalized view on the issue which will help to make the best determination.
This document shows the development of a study on the technical feasibility of green hydrogen as a fuel source for freight locomotives in northern Chile. This took place in first place by means of a bibliographical study on the existing national and international context on this subject to make a review of the projects that are already in operation like others that are planned to materialize in the near future, all this with the aim of having a backup to clarify whether it is really possible to implement such technology successfully in the country which turned out to be based on the review. Once that security was available we studied deeply the technologies where the green hydrogen and green methanol were applied, specifically on freight locomotives to know the internal structure and operating principle of each one. After having the basic knowledge we proceeded to devise a plan for the transformation of a diesel locomotive to one of hydrogen and methanol all this applied to a fleet of locomotives belonging to the company FCAB, company where this research project was developed, however the purpose of this Project is to generate a general orientation for any diesel locomotive and wants to make the change. To achieve this different technical, energy, economic and emissions analyses were carried out, being these two last factors projected to 2050, also to make an estimation on the demand of hydrogen and methanol to supply the entire northern railway system in case of want to make the transition, because in this way we will have a broader and more generalized view on the issue which will help to make the best determination.