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Según el último informe del Foro Económico Mundial (FEM) publicado en
noviembre de 2017, la brecha de igualdad de género en el mundo se cerrará
recién en 100 años. Si bien en esta medición Chile avanzó siete posiciones con
respecto a 2016, aún se encuentra en el puesto 63, lo que indica un largo camino
por delante.
La iniciativa que se presenta en este documento busca acelerar la
incorporación de las mujeres en el ecosistema emprendedor, esto mediante una
propuesta de programa de formación emprendedora con foco en género que
pretende empoderar a las mujeres, transferir metodologías, y vincularlas con sus
pares para generar una comunidad de mujeres emprendedoras innovadoras en
la región de Coquimbo. El objetivo es fomentar la puesta en marcha de
emprendimientos innovadores con alto potencial de crecimiento liderados por
mujeres que permita diversificar la matriz productiva en la región y en el país.
Para desarrollar la propuesta se analizó un diagnóstico de los factores que
inciden en el éxito de las iniciativas lideradas por mujeres en Chile, se hizo un
levantamiento de la red de apoyo que existe actualmente a nivel nacional para
fomentar la gestación emprendimientos liderados por mujeres y con estos
antecedentes se diseñó y ejecutó un programa experimental de entrenamiento
emprendedor aplicado a un grupo de emprendedoras de la región de Coquimbo
y en base a los aprendizajes de esta iniciativa, se desarrolló una propuesta final
de programa de entrenamiento de emprendimientos dinámicos para mujeres de
la región de Coquimbo.
El programa contempla la ejecución de ocho módulos de entrenamiento a
mujeres emprendedoras o con ganas de emprender iniciativas que solucionen
problemáticas reales del mercado con una propuesta de valor diferenciada, que
transferirán herramientas basadas en metodologías de innovación y
emprendimiento, tales como Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Business Model
Canvas, Power pitch method, además de dar énfasis al empoderamiento y
desarrollo de habilidades blandas en las emprendedoras. La propuesta
diferenciadora de este programa es el acompañamiento en la formulación de proyectos y la articulación con actores del ecosistema para dar continuidad al
seguimiento de los emprendimientos hasta alcanzar su madurez.
Los programas de emprendimiento, al estar bien enfocados pueden ser
generadores de nueva actividad económica, ya que mediante la puesta en
marcha y crecimiento de nuevas iniciativas de negocios arrastran a su alrededor
importantes ingresos económicos y también proporcionan nuevas fuentes de
empleo. Por otro lado, permiten la acumulación de conocimiento especializado,
que es el foco central de esta propuesta de programa de formación
According to the last report from the “Foro Económico Mundial” (FEM), published on november of 2017, the gap in gender equality in the world it would close in about 100 years. While Chile improved 7 points in this measurement comparing to 2016, it is still on the 63 position, which implies a long way ahead. The initiative presented on this paper, seeks to accelerate the incorporation of women on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, through the proposal of an entrepreneur training focused on gender to empower women, transfer methodologies and linked them with their peers so it generates a community of innovating entrepreneur women in Coquimbo. The purpose is to foment the startup of innovating entrepreneurship with high expansion potential led by women that allows diversifying the productive matrix in the region and the country. To develop the proposal it was analyzed a diagnosis of the factors that have a substantial impact on the success of the initiatives led by women on Chile, a survey of the network support that exists now a days on a national level to foment the creation of entrepreneurship led by women and with this information it was designed and executed an experimental program of entrepreneurship training applied to a group of female entrepreneurs of the region of Coquimbo and based on the learnings of this initiative, it was developed a final proposal of the dynamic entrepreneurships training program for women of the Region of Coquimbo. The program contemplates the execution of eight training modules for entrepreneur women o women who want to start initiatives that solve real problematics of the market, with a differentiated value proposition, that will transfer tools based on innovation and entrepreneurship methodologies such as Design Thinking, Lean startup, Business Model Canvas, Power pitch method besides emphasizing the empowerment and the development of soft skills on the entrepreneur women. The differentiating proposal of this program is the support on the formulation of projects and the articulation with the actors of the ecosystem to give continuity to the follow-up of the entrepreneurships until they reach maturity. The entrepreneurship programs, when they are well focused they can be generators of new economic activities, this, due to the startup and increasing of new business initiatives that bring new incomes and also bring new sources of employment. On the other hand, it allows the accumulation of specialized knowledge, which is the central purpose of training entrepreneur program.
According to the last report from the “Foro Económico Mundial” (FEM), published on november of 2017, the gap in gender equality in the world it would close in about 100 years. While Chile improved 7 points in this measurement comparing to 2016, it is still on the 63 position, which implies a long way ahead. The initiative presented on this paper, seeks to accelerate the incorporation of women on the entrepreneurial ecosystem, through the proposal of an entrepreneur training focused on gender to empower women, transfer methodologies and linked them with their peers so it generates a community of innovating entrepreneur women in Coquimbo. The purpose is to foment the startup of innovating entrepreneurship with high expansion potential led by women that allows diversifying the productive matrix in the region and the country. To develop the proposal it was analyzed a diagnosis of the factors that have a substantial impact on the success of the initiatives led by women on Chile, a survey of the network support that exists now a days on a national level to foment the creation of entrepreneurship led by women and with this information it was designed and executed an experimental program of entrepreneurship training applied to a group of female entrepreneurs of the region of Coquimbo and based on the learnings of this initiative, it was developed a final proposal of the dynamic entrepreneurships training program for women of the Region of Coquimbo. The program contemplates the execution of eight training modules for entrepreneur women o women who want to start initiatives that solve real problematics of the market, with a differentiated value proposition, that will transfer tools based on innovation and entrepreneurship methodologies such as Design Thinking, Lean startup, Business Model Canvas, Power pitch method besides emphasizing the empowerment and the development of soft skills on the entrepreneur women. The differentiating proposal of this program is the support on the formulation of projects and the articulation with the actors of the ecosystem to give continuity to the follow-up of the entrepreneurships until they reach maturity. The entrepreneurship programs, when they are well focused they can be generators of new economic activities, this, due to the startup and increasing of new business initiatives that bring new incomes and also bring new sources of employment. On the other hand, it allows the accumulation of specialized knowledge, which is the central purpose of training entrepreneur program.