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El escenario actual de información relacionada con la energía tanto en las empresascomo en el entorno de ellas, convierte a la organización de estos contenidos en un desafíoimportante para cualquier organización. Los documentos disponibles son actualizados con unadinámica permanente y el periodo en el que se producen los cambios es muy corto, todo estoimpulsado por las redes sociales y el estado de la globalización de diversos aspectos de lasorganizaciones.Este estado de cambio permanente requiere de herramientas que permitan manteneractualizado el conocimiento de la empresa con respecto a los temas relacionados con laenergía.La tecnología y el desarrollo de las herramientas computacionales constituyen un pilarfundamental en el desarrollo de las organizaciones modernas, por lo tanto, las bases deconocimientos aparecen como la culminación en el desarrollo de “sistemas” de apoyo a laempresa. Por ello, este trabajo tiene como objetivo implementar una base de conocimientospara la empresa, que pueda ser construida en forma dinámica y colaborativa y que permitacorrelacionar el desempeño de la empresa con la implementación de la misma.Las condiciones actuales de funcionamiento de las organizaciones aportan un grado decomplejidad al momento de organizar los datos, la información y finalmente el conocimientodisponible para enfrentar cualquier problema dentro de la empresa, lo que finalmenterepresenta un desafío al momento de ordenar toda la gama de fuentes, tipos, formas yjerarquías en las que puede esparcirse el conocimiento.Los adelantos y el perfeccionamiento del software de distinto tipo, el desarrollo de lasbases de datos y los ambientes colaborativos de trabajo, permiten sin embargo, disponer demuchas alternativas, con distintas características, pasando desde las más técnicas a laseconómicas, por lo que es posible, por lo menos, enumerar una gran variedad de solucionesa la problemática planteada.Para ello, se analizará la disponibilidad de aplicaciones para el efecto, basados enparámetros dados por la organización así como por las características de los datos disponibles.Para obtener esta información, es fundamental el análisis y la revisión de la organización para obtener todas las posibles fuentes, tipos, formas y jerarquías antes mencionadas, a fin de“modelar” la forma en la que la organización puede generar y almacenar conocimiento, a finde encontrar una herramienta que permita organizarlo.Se revisarán la norma internacional asociada a la gestión de la energía, el marco legalen el país, determinado por la ley promulgada en Chile para la regulación y marco defuncionamiento de los entes reguladores, y en el extranjero, en forma de las agencias deeficiencia energética; y las tendencias en materia de gestión de eficiencia energética,complementadas con ejemplos de aplicación de sistemas de gestión en el país y aplicacionesde normas, para darle contexto y finalmente proceder con la implementación de una base deconocimientos de temas relacionados con la energía. A pesar de que no se pretende eldesarrollo de un sistema de gestión de la energía, los conceptos que se pueden manejar através de una herramienta orientada a la gestión del conocimiento sobre la energía, tienen queser revisados en forma previa a fin de poder incorporarlos de la mejor forma posible, debido aque esto permitirá organizar de mejor forma, jerarquizar, categorizar y finalmente aportar connuevo conocimiento derivado del uso de esta aplicación.
The current scenario of information related to energy both in companies and in theirenvironment, makes the organization of these contents a major challenge for any organization.The social networks and the state of globalization make the available documents becomeupdated dynamically in a constant way and the period in which the changes occur is very short.This continous changing state requires tools to keep up-to-date knowledge of thecompany about energy issues.A fundamental pillar in the development of modern organizations is the technology andthe development of computational tools, therefore, knowledge bases appear as the culminationin the development of "systems" to support the company. Therefore, this work aims toimplement a knowledge base for the company, that can be built in a dynamic and collaborativeway and that allows to correlate the performance of the company with the implementation of it.The current operational conditions of the organizations provide a degree of complexitywhen organizing data, information and finally the knowledge available to face any problemwithin the company, which finally represents a challenge when ordering the entire range ofsources, types, forms and hierarchies in which knowledge can be spread.The advances and refinements of different types of software, the development of databasesand collaborative working environments, allow, however, to have many alternatives, withdifferent specifications, from the most technical to the economic ones, It is possible, at least, tolist a great variety of solutions to the problems raised.To achieve this, we analyze the availability of applications that applies, based onparameters given by the organization as well as the characteristics of the available data. Inorder to obtain this information, it is essential to analyze and review the organization to obtainall possible sources, types, forms and hierarchies mentioned above, in order to "model" theway in which the organization can generate and store knowledge, to finally find a tool toorganize it.The international standard associated with energy management will be reviewed, thelegal framework in the country, determined by the law enacted in Chile for the regulation andframework of operation of regulatory bodies, and abroad, in the form of agencies of energyefficiency; And trends in energy efficiency management, supplemented by examples of application of country management systems and application of standards, to give context andfinally proceed with the implementation of a knowledge base on energy issues. Although thedevelopment of an energy management system is not intended, the concepts that can bemanaged through a tool oriented to the management of knowledge about energy, have to bereviewed in advance in order to be able to Incorporate them in the best possible way, becausethis will better organize, hierarchize, categorize and finally contribute with new knowledgederived from the use of this application.
The current scenario of information related to energy both in companies and in theirenvironment, makes the organization of these contents a major challenge for any organization.The social networks and the state of globalization make the available documents becomeupdated dynamically in a constant way and the period in which the changes occur is very short.This continous changing state requires tools to keep up-to-date knowledge of thecompany about energy issues.A fundamental pillar in the development of modern organizations is the technology andthe development of computational tools, therefore, knowledge bases appear as the culminationin the development of "systems" to support the company. Therefore, this work aims toimplement a knowledge base for the company, that can be built in a dynamic and collaborativeway and that allows to correlate the performance of the company with the implementation of it.The current operational conditions of the organizations provide a degree of complexitywhen organizing data, information and finally the knowledge available to face any problemwithin the company, which finally represents a challenge when ordering the entire range ofsources, types, forms and hierarchies in which knowledge can be spread.The advances and refinements of different types of software, the development of databasesand collaborative working environments, allow, however, to have many alternatives, withdifferent specifications, from the most technical to the economic ones, It is possible, at least, tolist a great variety of solutions to the problems raised.To achieve this, we analyze the availability of applications that applies, based onparameters given by the organization as well as the characteristics of the available data. Inorder to obtain this information, it is essential to analyze and review the organization to obtainall possible sources, types, forms and hierarchies mentioned above, in order to "model" theway in which the organization can generate and store knowledge, to finally find a tool toorganize it.The international standard associated with energy management will be reviewed, thelegal framework in the country, determined by the law enacted in Chile for the regulation andframework of operation of regulatory bodies, and abroad, in the form of agencies of energyefficiency; And trends in energy efficiency management, supplemented by examples of application of country management systems and application of standards, to give context andfinally proceed with the implementation of a knowledge base on energy issues. Although thedevelopment of an energy management system is not intended, the concepts that can bemanaged through a tool oriented to the management of knowledge about energy, have to bereviewed in advance in order to be able to Incorporate them in the best possible way, becausethis will better organize, hierarchize, categorize and finally contribute with new knowledgederived from the use of this application.
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